
November Quail Brook Senior Center Schedule

625 New Brunswick Rd., Somerset, NJ 08873
(732) 563-4213
Open Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
All programs begin at 11:00 a.m. unless otherwise listed.

Body & Brain Yoga with Lucy Pagnetti – Monday, 10:30 a.m. Body and Brain Yoga is a dynamic mind-body practice that combines stretching, flowing movement, deep breathing exercises and meditation in a simple and easy to learn format that focuses on the development of the body’s core strength as the basis of physical, mental and spiritual health. Bring mats or you can use a chair.

Individual Computer Instruction – Monday, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. **Please call for appointment**

Healthy Bones Exercise Class with Joan Ackerman – Monday, 9:15 a.m. Peer-led, 24-week exercise and education program for individuals at risk or who have osteoporosis.  Exercises focus on balance, strength, flexibility and posture.  Advanced registration is required.  Doctor’s note is also required prior to first class and then once every year. For a new participant, the price is $45.  This includes ankle weights, a participant manual and the class fee.  If ankle weights are not needed the price is $15.

A Variety of Board & Card Games (Monopoly, Po-Ke-No, Yahtzee, Dominoes & Checkers) – Available Monday – Friday

Outdoor Shuffleboard and Horseshoes – Monday – Friday (Weather Permitting)

QBC News – Monday – Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Enjoy breaking news around the world or current events of interest for a stimulating Question and Answer session as fellow center members take turns researching and sharing the hot topics of the day.

Continuing Art Institute with Karen Haake – Tuesday, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. **$10.00 fee includes supplies**

Line Dancing – Friday, 9:30 a.m.

Bridge Lessons – Friday, 10:30 a.m.

Card Sharks – Friday, 10:30 a.m. Learn how to play various card games for group play and/or tournament participation.

November 1, 15 & 22 – Tai Chi with Bobbi Joels, 10:30 a.m.  Tai chi is based on shifting body weight through a series of light, controlled movements that flow rhythmically into one long gesture.  Studies have reported that some participants experienced a reduction in pain, fatigue and stiffness and gain a greater sense of well-being.  Regular tai chi can help reduce falls, especially those with balance problems.  This program can be done using a chair if desired.

November 2, 9 & 16 – “A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns About Falls” conducted by Trained Peer Leaders, 10:30 a.m.  A Matter of Balance emphasizes practical strategies to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels.  Participants will learn to view falls as controllable, set goals for increasing activity, make changes to their environment to reduce fall risks at home, and exercise to increase strength and balance.  If you are concerned about falls, interested in improving balance, flexibility and strength, have fallen in the past or have restricted activities because of falling, you should join us for this program.  **Advanced registration is required by calling (732) 563-4213**

November 3, 10 & 17 – Zumba Gold with Laurie Fetcher, 10:30 a.m.  Zumba Gold takes the popular Latin-dance inspired workout Zumba and makes it accessible for people age 60 plus, beginners or others needing modifications in their exercise routine.  Zumba Gold builds cardiovascular health by challenging the heart and working the muscles of the hips, legs and arms with dance moves.  This program can be done using a chair for support if desired.

November 3 & 10 – Quail Brook Book Club.   Meet and greet fellow book club participants and join in a lively discussion of Shakespeare’s Hamlet.  **Please call (732) 563-4213 for more information**

November 4 – “The Tradition of Holiday Decorating” by the Somerset County Park Commission, 10:30 a.m.  Today the Somerset County Park Commission will teach us how to create festive centerpieces for the holidays using elements of nature.

November 7 – “Backyard Birds Through the Seasons” by the New Jersey Audubon Society, 10:30 a.m.  This is an extraordinary opportunity for the Quail Brook Senior Center to take the first steps towards receiving certification as a backyard/natural habitat site by the New Jersey Audubon Society.

November 8 – Election Day – Center Closed

November 11 – Veterans Day – Center Closed

November 14 – “A 1621 Thanksgiving: The First Thanksgiving Table” by Amy Peterson, Registered Dietitian, Genesis Healthcare, 10:30 a.m.  Amy will share some nutritious Thanksgiving recipes with us.

November 14 “Website Navigation” by Brandeis University National Committee of Somerset, 1:00 -3:00 p.m.  A representative from Brandeis University will be available to provide us with tips on website navigation.  Program includes a question and answer session.

November 15 – State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) a counselor will be available to provide Free help to New Jersey Medicare beneficiaries who have problems with, or questions about their health benefits.  SHIP is a statewide program by the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services.  **Please call (732) 563-4213 to schedule an appointment**

November 16 – “Diabetes Awareness Month” with Clover Health, 1:00-3:00 p.m.  Clover Health presents a rewarding twist to Diabetes Month with their onsite chef who will present a cooking demonstration using creative techniques to prepare delicious and nutritious foods for all to taste.  Recipes will be provided.  There will also be a question and answer session with a nutritionist for smart living.

November 17 – Electric Keyboard & Choir Lessons with John Fitzpatrick, Robert Norton and the Quailers.  Fine tune your newly found musical abilities; learn how to play favorite songs and practice-practice-practice!

November 18 – “Wellness Template For Life: A Path of Eating Well & Proper Movement” by Dr. Sharon Joag, DPM, East Brunswick Foot Care, 10:30 a.m.  Dr. Joag will present ways in which to incorporate positivity that results in life satisfaction, happiness and health.

November 21 – “Found Poetry: Spark Your Writing Talents Through Prose” by Roz Gerken, 10:30 a.m.  ‘Found Poetry’ is a type of poetry that can be written by cutting out words and phrases from magazines or newspaper to create a completely different story or capture a personal meaning.

November 23 – Ageless Grace with Roz Gerken, 10:30 a.m. Ageless Grace is a fitness program based on the cutting-edge science of neuroplasticity which is the ability of the brain and central nervous system to change structurally and functionally.  The program is designed to activate all five functions of the brain (i.e., strategic planning, memory and recall, analytical thinking, creativity and imagination, and kinesthetic thinking).  The program is intended for people of all abilities and can be performed while sitting or standing.  Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing and sneakers.

November 24 & 25 – Holiday – Center Closed

November 29 – “Armchair Travel Presents: A Mystery Country Tour” by Dorothy & Irwin Vogel, 10:30 a.m.  Dorothy and Irwin Vogel started traveling the world 25 years ago after they retired and together they have visited 89 countries!  In each country, they have collected artifacts and have taken extensive photos and put them together on a DVD complete with music and narration of their experience.  Today’s featured tour will be a mystery.  Don’t miss this very special program.


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