
Love Of Animals Inspires Girl Scouts To Create Display Cabinet For Animal Shelter

Animal Shelter project1

Anji Centolanza, left, and Kayla Lancaster with the display cabinet they built for the Franklin Township Animal Shelter.

Two township Girl Scouts turned their love for animals into a project benefitting the Franklin Township Animal Shelter.

The girls, Anji Centolanza and Kayla Lancaster, built an outdoor display cabinet that was mounted on the shelter’s exterior front wall Sept. 25.

The case will be used to provide shelter information that will be available 24 hours a day, said  Katie Nordhouse, the township’s Animal Control Officer.

The girls, members of Girl Scout Troop 86781, worked on the case over the summer, Lancaster said.

The girls used the case to earn their Silver Award, which is the highest award a Cadet Girl Scout can achieve, said Troop Leader Janet Timari. Timari also served as the girls’ project mentor.

To qualify, the project must take at least 50 hours and have a “sustaining community impact,” Timari said.

The girls, both 14, originally wanted to volunteer at the sheller, Timari said, but found out that they are too young to do so. This project allowed them to keep to their intent to work with animals, she said.

Nordhouse said the case ail be helpful because it will allow the shelter to display information about adopting pets even when the shelter is closed.

Volunters like the Girl Scouts are very helpful to the shelter, she said.

“Our budgets are very small,” she said. “We take all the help we can get, we really appreciate it, and the animals appreciate it.”

Lancaster, a Franklin High School student, said she wanted to do the project because she “thought it would be a way to help the community.”

Centolanza, a student at Immaculata High School, said she wanted to help out the shelter because “I am a pet lover. We have all kinds of pets.”

Lending a helping hand in the cabinet’s installation was township residentTim Outcalt.


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