
Warriors On The Academic Move

The University of Hartford is pleased to announce Alayah Johnson of Somerset has been named to the Dean’s List for Spring 2023.

Chidilim Menakaya of Somerset graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in Biology (BS) from Tufts University.

Kean University honors graduates recently took center stage at Honors Convocation, an annual celebration for students graduating with the highest levels of academic achievement, including the following local students: Bethany Lawrence of Somerset – Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts, cum laude; Tommy Mourad of Somerset, Bachelor of Science in Finance, magna cum laude; Luis Gonzalez of Somerset, Bachelor of Science in Accounting, cum laude; Nelson Hardwick III of Somerset, Bachelor of Science in Management, magna cum laude, and Aaron Lesik of Somerset, Bachelor of Science in Management, cum laude.

Kean University’s Undergraduate Commencement ceremony turned Prudential Center in Newark into a sea of Kean blue on Thursday, May 18. A total of 2,083 students earned bachelor’s degrees from Kean, including the following local students: Shaylah Anderson, Bachelor of Science in Marketing; Eddie Benitez, Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice; Anacarolina Costa, Bachelor of Science in Management; Jahaad Crosby, Bachelor of Science in Marketing; Bryce Davis, Bachelor of Science in Management; Luis Gonzalez, Bachelor of Science in Accounting, cum laude; Nelson Hardwick III, Bachelor of Science in Management, magna cum laude; Jessica Holmgren, Bachelor of Science in Management; Tianna Jonas, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design; Bethany Lawrence, Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts, cum laude; Aaron Lesik, Bachelor of Science in Management, cum laude; Tida Martins-Kamara, Bachelor of Arts in Earth Science; Tommy Mourad, Bachelor of Science in Finance, magna cum laude; Amber Palmer, Bachelor of Arts in History; Adger Shumate, Bachelor of Science in Management, and Kobe Sweeney, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology.

Kean University celebrated the Class of 2023 with a joyful Graduate Commencement ceremony at New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark, N.J., on Tuesday, May 16. A total of 511 students earned advanced degrees from the Union, New Jersey, university, including the following local students: Haider Waseem of Franklin Park – Master of Science in Computer Information Systems; Ashley Robinson of Somerset – Master of Science in Occupational Therapy; Shameir Skipworth Hanson of Somerset – Master of Arts in Psychology; Olivette Forster-Rosario of Somerset – Master of Social Work, and Zoya Jaweed of Franklin Park – Master of Arts in Speech-Language Pathology.

The following students have earned the esteemed honor of placement on the Dean’s List at The College of New Jersey for the spring 2023 semester. To achieve this honor, a student must carry 12 or more credits that semester and earn a 3.5 (or above) grade point average: Cristian Herrera Alpizar, Chemistry – ACS; Anushka Pradhan, International Studies; Ayesha Chaudhry, Computer Science; Olivia Fraser, Philosophy; Ayesatu Gabisi, Nursing RN Off-Site; Jenny Kafas, Biology (BS);  Caitlyn Kercado, Art History and Visual Culture;  Nicole Kercado, Computer Science;  Emma Moley, Management; Maxwell Parrone, Computer Science; Dhruva Patel, Nursing; Nandni Patel, Public Health; Dailan Rativa Gonzalez, Nursing; Lauren Tragale, English Secondary Education, and Thomas Zdroik, History Urban Sec. Education.

Rachel Emmet of Somerset was named to the College of Charleston Spring 2023 President’s List. Emmet is majoring in Marketing. To qualify for President’s List (Highly Distinguished), students must earn a GPA of 3.800 or higher and complete a minimum of 14 semester hours.

Students at Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Florham Campus, located in Madison, NJ have been named to the Dean’s List for the Spring 2023 semester: Bianca Bacchione and Chiyah Abram, both of Somerset. To qualify for the Dean’s List, a student must carry a 3.2 or better grade point average out of a possible 4.0 and be enrolled in a minimum of 12 letter-graded hours (four courses).

Students at Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Florham Campus, located in Madison, NJ, have been named to the Honors Lists for the Spring 2023 semester: Jack Scapp and Madison Hegedus, both of Somerset. To qualify for the Honors List, a student must carry a 3.5 or better grade point average out of a possible 4.0 and be enrolled in a minimum of 12 letter-graded hours (four courses).

Sydney L. Gero of Somerset was among the 62 members of The University of Scranton’s undergraduate class of 2023 honored for academic excellence, service or both at a Class Night ceremony on campus May 19. Students with the highest GPA in each of the University’s three undergraduate colleges were presented Frank J. O’Hara Awards for General Academic Excellence, a memorial to the late administrator who served the University for 53 years.

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