
Township’s Stop & Shop Supermarkets Donate Holiday Boxes To Franklin Food Bank

Left to right, Mark Blackwell, store manager of the Easton Avenue Stop & Shop and Joe Chester, store manager of the Veronica Plaza Stop & Shop, help sort holiday boxes at the Franklin Food Bank. Photo: Franklin Food Bank.

Submitted by Franklin Food Bank.

Stop & Shop has donated hundreds of holiday boxes to the Franklin Food Bank. When Food Bank clients came for their monthly food package, they received a holiday package which included a chicken, turkey, or ham, as well as a Nature’s Promise holiday box of side dishes – everything a family needed for a holiday meal. All three Stop & Shop supermarkets in Franklin Township participated in this effort.

“Stop & Shop always comes through for our families in need,” said Frank Hasner, the food bank’s executive director. “They embody our mission by ‘enhancing the quality of life for Franklin Township residents.’ ”

“The Food Bank relies heavily on the help of others and we know that we can always count on Stop & Shop” Hasner said.


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