
Township Student Wins Academic Scholarship

Sahara Muhammad.

Township resident Sahara Muhammad, an 8th Grader at Far Hills Country Day School, is the recipient of The Institute of Educational Advancement Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship.

The program provides a four-year high school scholarship for gifted learners to attend an optimally matched high school program to help them work toward meeting their unique intellectual and personal potential.

Students apply for the Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship in the 7th Grade and are required to complete a rigorous portfolio application process, which includes essays, middle school transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a work sample.

Eligible applicants must also achieve scores at or above the 97th percentile on nationally normed standardized tests.

“The Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship is a wonderful opportunity to not only financially support some of the brightest young minds in the country, but to welcome them into a nurturing community,” Elizabeth Jones, president and co-founder of IEA, said in a press release.

“It’s a key part of our mission to support gifted youth so that they can become thought leaders, problem solvers, and successful individuals,” she said.

The CDB selection committee is comprised of a diverse group of nationwide high school and university admissions directors, CDB alumni, community members, and business leaders.

The selection process took place over several months, both virtually ind in-person.

Sahara’s father, Sharif Muhammad, said he found out about the scholarship six years ago when he met the parent of a CDB scholar while attending a gifted education conference.

“Her daughter was attending Phillips Exeter Academy on the scholarship, and it planted the seed for envisioning such an award for Sahara,” he said in the release. “Well, Sahara did all the work to make that dream a reality.”

Sahara previously received the Grand Honors Award in the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth talent search for her high SAT score. Her SAT performance (96th percentile in Math and 94th percentile overall) also resulted in her being invited to join CTY’s Julian C. Stanley Study of Exceptional Talent program.

Students qualify for SET by taking the SAT before age 13 and scoring at least 700 on either the SAT Math or SAT Verbal (Critical Reading or Evidence-Based Reading and Writing) test. Sahara took the test as a 12-year-old in the 7th Grade.

Sahara’s SAT performance was also recognized by the Davidson Institute for Talent Development, which accepted her into their highly competitive Davidson’s Young Scholars program.

This program offers enrichment programs and services designed to nurture the intellectual, social, emotional, and academic development of profoundly intelligent young people between the ages of 5 and 18.

Sahara, who takes Honors Precalculus as an 8th Grader, also qualified for the Math League state championships as both a 5th 1Grade and 6th Grade student.

In addition to her academic achievements, Sahara also enjoys playing tennis for Far Hills in the fall and will lead the school’s fencing team this winter. As part of her commitment to community service, she serves as a peer tutor in math.

“I couldn’t be happier for Sahara and her family,” Edward Thompson, Director of Operations and Secondary School Placement at Far Hills Country Day School, said in the release. “Being named a Caroline D. Bradley scholar is a spectacular honor and achievement. Speaking for the whole community, we are all looking forward to watching Sahara’s curiosity and ambition take root at her next school, therein launching the pursuit of her dreams and goals. There are no limits for Sahara!”

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