
Township Council Introduces $4.4 Million Ordinance For Purchases And Improvements, Including 10 Police Cars

An ordinance authorizing $4.4 million for capital projects and equipment purchases – including 10 police cars – was introduced at the April 23 Township Council meeting.

The township will issue $4,151,891 in bonds and put a cash down payment of $218,521 to pay for the work and purchases.

According to the ordinance, the money has been earmarked for:

  • $1,355,912 for the purchase of 10 marked police vehicles: two marked Ford Expeditions, two unmarked Ford Explorers, 37 portable radios, a mobile computer, mobile and portable radios and equipment to outfit new vehicles.
  • $1,081,500 for Public Works Department equipment, including the purchase of a key machine, a Skid Steer engine-powered machine, a mini miller attachment for Skid Steer machine, a Brine manufacturing system, a screw compressor, two (2) salt spreaders, a roadside mower, a ditch digger for tractor, and an aerial platform; acquisition and installation of a telephone pole; improvements and upgrades to traffic signals; improvements to Public Works Building, including, but not limited to, Phase 6 of the replacement of the Canal Road Guiderail; paving of parking lot; and improvements, repairs, upgrades, or the replacement of, as applicable, a fence at the Convention Center.
  • $750,000 for equipment and improvements to the Municipal Building, including Phase 3 of the replacement of building windows and doors; acquisition and installation of a diesel tank; installation of new curbing at DeMott Lane; and improvements, repairs, upgrades or the replacement of, as applicable, various sidewalks.
  • $405,000 for equipment purchase for and improvements to the public safety building, including the acquisition and installation of a 9-1-1 system; and improvements, repairs, upgrades or the replacement of, as applicable, the roof and the employee locker room, including, but not limited to, the employee locker room bathroom shower.
  • $325,000 for improvements to the Community/Senior Center, including the replacement of building doors and roof and installation of accordion doors in meeting rooms.
  • $175,000 for improvements and upgrades to IT equipment, including video storage and management upgrades, improvements, upgrades and refurbishment of UPS server room and WAN upgrades at the Municipal Building.
  • $163,000 for DPW vehicles, including a mason dump truck with plow, 4-door pick-up truck with plow, and recreational transit van.
  • $ 115,000 for fire department vehicles, including a 2019 2500 HD utility body truck and 2019 crew cab pick-up truck.

The ordinance will have a public hearing and second reading in May.


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