Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School held its fourth annual Wellness Fair on April 30 on the school’s Pierce Street campus.
The event, sponsored by the school’s Green Team, was designed to “bring awareness to the community about how you can promote wellness in all aspects of your life,” said Diana Hascup, the school’s project coordinator.
“Our school has a green mission, so we try to throw this event every year,” she said.
The day consisted of a number of demonstrations and vendors displaying their wares.
“There are demonstrations based on music therapy, demonstrations based on movement,” she said. “We have therapy dogs and local food vendors that offer a variety of local cuisines.”
“It’s basically a day to come together and for everyone to really promote the green mission,” Hascup said. “It’s a lot more than just recycling.”
There were a numbe of events set for teh day.
“We have a schedule of demonstrations,” she said. “We have performances from music students, where the teacher talks about how music therapy can be helpful. We have a demonstration from a local Zumba instructor, a demonstration from a local CKO (cardio-kickboxing studio), the 6th Grade Green Team will talk about how it’s important to be green, the (Somerset County Sheriff’s Office K-9 unit) will do a K-9 demonstration of how they can help throughout the community.”
Hascup said the goal is to make teh event bigger every year.
“The event is for the whole community,” she said. “We try to grow it bigger every year by getting more vendors. We try to attract more of the outside community. Eventually, we would love to see it as TEECS bringing the community in.”
Here are some scenes from the day: