A proposal to eliminate mid-term exams in Franklin High School will be up for a vote at the Board of Education’s Nov. 20 meeting.
The proposal has been discussed by the district administration and high school staff since about September, interim Schools Superintendent Lee Seitz said at the board’s Nov. 13 meeting.
Seitz said the proliferation of state-mandated tests facing high school students caused concern among some district officials that too much instructional time was being lost to tests.
“We think it would be better to use the time for instruction to meet our students’ needs,” he said.
More emphasis will be placed on marking period grades and final exams, he said.
“I like that more weight will be given to what students do during the course of the year as opposed to what they do on one day,” Seitz said.
The proposal, if passed, would take effect this school year.
School bord vice-president Eva Nagy said to make up for points lost without the mid-terms, marking period and final grades would be enhanced by multipliers.
Somerset resident John Felix said his daughter, a high school sophomore, was not thrilled with the idea when she first heard about it.
“She said that mid-terms allow students to recap the first half of the year and prepare for the second half,” he said.
“Obviously there are some positive aspects” to eliminating the mid-terms, “but there might also be some negative aspects,” he said.
Seitz said that several other school districts in the state have eliminated mid-terms.
He said the state plans to add more mandatory testing in the future.
“The impact becomes more and more dramatic on the students,” Seitz said.