
Second Chance For Animals Holds Annual Dog Walk Fund-Raiser

Threat of rain didn’t keep the faithful away from the annual “Paws for a Cause” fund-raising dog walk at Colonial Park May 6, sponsored by Second Chance for Animals.

SCFA is the organization that funds the Franklin Township Animal Shelter.

As is the tradition, prizes were awarded  to dogs in a variety of categories, including smallest dog, biggest dog, dog with the longest hair and do that most looked like its owner.

Robert Pezzano, a member of the SCFA Board of Directors, said the organization appreciates all who donate.

“We do all the medical care for the animals at the shelter, we provide all the food that’s not donated,” he said. “We get a lot of donations, but donations only go so far. The people who come out to support us, we realty appreciate them, they do a lot of wonderful things for those homeless animals just waiting for their home.”

“We want to thank everybody that’s come and supported second chance the the Franklin Township shelter over the years,” he said.

Mayor Phil Kramer was also at the event to support an organization that he said saves township taxpayers money.

“We do not spend enough money to support the animal shelter on its own SCFA is a very large contributor to the dollars for the animal shelter,” he told the crowd. “So not only are they doing wonderful things, but they save you tax dollars.”

Later, Kramer said that he supports the SCFA for a number of reasons.

“On a personal level, its because I love animals and they’re doing a wonderful thing for the animals,” he said. “On a mayoral level, it’s the financial support they give our animal shelter. The state requires every municipality to have an animal shelter or to work in conjunction with some other facility that has an animal shelter. That’s a large expense and it would be much much larger if it wasn’t for SCFA.”

“Their donations help support the animal shelter, and not just help a little, help a lot,” Kramer said. “They care about the animals, and the animals are being taken care of by people who love them and are not just there to earn an hourly wage. So, if you love animals, how could you not love SCFA.”

Here are some scenes from the event:


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