
School District’s State Aid Cut For FY 2025

School district officials are looking into ways to compensate for the approximately 2 percent cut in state aid for Fiscal Year 2025.

The district will receive $21,119,162 in state K-12 aid, a reduction of $386,982 from last year’s figure.

A district spokeswoman said the amount cut represents about 6 percent of the equalization aid given to Franklin by the state.

“All other categorical aid remained stable,” spokeswoman Mary Clark said in an email. “The district budget managers, working with the Superintendent’s Office, Business Office and Board of Education, continue working together to prioritize expenses, find efficiencies, and explore alternative revenue streams to offset this reduction while meeting the obligation of presenting a balanced preliminary budget to the school community later this month.”

The District will also receive $10,748,988 preschool state aid.

The aid package was part of the nearly $11.7 billion in state K-12 aid announced earlier this month by the Gov. Phil Murphy administration.

That figure represents an increase of nearly $900 million in state aid, although about 140 districts received cuts from last year.

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