
Quailbrook Senior Center February Schedule

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, all county-operated senior centers, managed by the Somerset County Office on Aging and Disability Services, are temporarily closed until Feb. 28, 2021. The county’s management team is complying with state-mandated public healthcare guidelines while they continue to assess the centers’ reopening dates.

Senior Center programs that were offered on-site have been modified and are now available via Zoom, which is a secure, video-based, user-friendly, online platform that can be accessed through a smartphone, tablet or computer and allows residents to see and hear others.

All virtual classes are CANCELED on Monday, Feb. 15 (Presidents Day)

Zoom Guidelines – Unless otherwise specified, residents who are age 60 and above can join any of the Zoom programs listed in this schedule even if they are not a client at the center hosting the Zoom program. Exercise classes require clients to submit an activity release form. 

Zoom Activity Release – Participants must obtain and complete an Activity Release Form from the senior center they regularly attend. After submitting the form to that center, participants will receive an email with information about all Zoom classes and programs listed in this schedule. All programs are FREE for registered members! 

Zoom Tutorial and Registration – Learn how to use Zoom or sign-up for a virtual tour, at https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us. To register for a program or class, call 908-203-6101 or email Donlin@co.somerset.nj.us.

February Virtual Programs and Classes for All Senior Center Clients

Feb. 1- 5

Feb. 1, 11 a.m. – New Jersey Piecework by Dana Bala, a historical interpreter and researcher. Join this presentation to learn the history of quilts, samplers, sewing rooms, and sewing machines that were part of the Works Progress Administration, which was an ambitious employment and infrastructure program created by President Roosevelt in 1935. Ms. Bala will discuss the history of fabric and the workmanship required to create pieces during the early 1800s-1940s. **Hosted by the Quail Brook Senior Center.**

Feb. 1, 12 p.m. – Somerset County Volunteer Services Program by Bill Crosby, director, Somerset County Office of Volunteer Services. Join Bill Crosby to learn more about the Somerset Volunteer Services and how it might fit your needs. He will discuss the various volunteer programs and services that are available to residents, such as assistance with tax filing, money management, state health insurance and fall clean-up. **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Bridgewater.**

Feb. 1, 2:30 p.m. – Love in Any Language by Donna & Denise. Join Donna and Denise, who are the hosts of their talk show titled “Love Talks.” Participants will be encouraged to share their love experiences. **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Hillsborough and the Montgomery Senior Center.**

Feb. 2, 11 a.m. – Music of the 1960s with Andrew Lobby, entertainer. Listen to Andrew perform popular hits from the 1960s with a solo vocal and guitar performance. **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Basking Ridge.**

Feb. 3, 10 a.m. – Theatre in the (Zoom) Square with Tim Bosworth, playwright and author.  Enjoy “The King of Somerset County” by Tim Bosworth. This fun, short play is about a one-sided love interest and emotional turmoil that is carried throughout the years by a man and a woman. **Hosted by the Quail Brook Senior Center.**

Feb. 3, 11 a.m. – “Birds of the World” by Benjamin Barkley, naturalist, Somerset County Park Commission. Join this interesting lecture to explore birds the fascinating creatures and different types of birds such as poisonous birds, birds that can fly while asleep, and one species that migrates 50,000 miles per year.  Learn about the wackiest, funniest, and most bizarre species of birds from around the globe. **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Bridgewater.**

Feb. 3, 2 p.m. – Word Games with Donna. Dust off the cobwebs and get the brain revved up. Join Donna to play fun games like Pictionary, Boggle, Name 5 and more. Interact with old friends, make new ones, and laugh! **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Hillsborough.**

Feb. 4, 11 a.m. – “The History of the Super Bowl” by Evan Weiner, a historian. Join Evan Weiner, a veteran sports broadcaster, while he talks about the Super Bowl, halftime shows and everything in between. **Hosted by the Warrenbrook Senior Center.**

Feb. 4, 3 p.m. – Guided Meditation with Cate. Take a break and soothe yourself with calming music and meditation, which will help reduce stress, control anxiety, increase attention span, and decrease age-related memory loss. **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Bridgewater.**

Feb. 5, 11 a.m. – February Jeopardy! Test your knowledge about February when you play this version of the famous game show “This is Jeopardy!” Topics and questions will be about February. **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Hillsborough.**

Feb. 5, 12 p.m. – Brain Games and Trivia with KristenJoin Kristen for a few trivia and brain games to help sharpen thinking skills that tend to wane with age. These games will help participants improve their cognitive and planning skills, reaction time, decision making and short-term memory. **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Basking Ridge.**

Feb. 8-12

Feb. 8, 11 a.m. – An Examination of Racial Relations in Great Britain and the United States, 1942-1945, by Black American Journalist Roi Ottley” presented by Alan Delozier, D.Litt. University archivist & adjunct associate professor of Catholic Studies, Seton Hall University. In recognition of Black History Month, Mr. Delozier will discuss Vincent Lushington “Roi” Ottley an American journalist, writer and famous for being the first African American war correspondent who covered the war for major newspapers. Roi Ottley was one of the most famous African American correspondents in the United States during the mid-20th century. **Hosted by the Quail Brook Senior Center.** 

Feb. 8, 11 a.m. – Forever Young Readers Theatre: Valentine’s Day Performance with Lila Carrick, Ph.D. Have fun at this multi-mix media of performing arts that integrate oral reading, literature and performances. Participants will read aloud from a script while using facial expressions and body movements to interpret emotions, beliefs, motives and the attitudes of a character. Everyone is welcome. For more information, call 609-466-0846 or email crowley@co.somerset.nj.us. **Hosted by the Montgomery Senior Center.**

Feb. 9, 11 a.m. – “ABC’s of Candy” by Meg Wastie, historian. Discover the history of your favorite sweet treats, and take an alphabet journey guessing the names of candies for each letter of the alphabet! **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Basking Ridge.**

Feb. 10, 10 a.m. – “A Visit to Aruba” by Natasha Lee Soy. Explore the history of Aruba’s cities, towns, flora, fauna, native language (Papiamento) and famous climate. Lift your spirits in the winter season by learning about the culture and traditions of a beautiful Caribbean Island. **Hosted by the Quail Brook Senior Center.**

Feb. 10, 11 a.m. – “Organ and Tissue Donation and What You Should Know” by Ametra Burton, hospital and community services coordinator, New Jersey Sharing Network. Learn about organ donation and have your questions answered. February 14th is National Donor Day when the nation honors those who have generously given the gift of donation. **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Bridgewater.**

Feb. 10, 2 p.m. – Word Games with DonnaDust off the cobwebs and get the brain revved up. Join Donna to play fun games like Pictionary, Boggle, Name 5 and more. Interact with old friends, make new ones, and laugh! **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Hillsborough.**

Feb. 11, 11 a.m. – Ukulele Sing-Along with Roberta Foster, entertainer. Roberta will play her ukulele and perform familiar Broadway show tunes and songs from the 40s, 50s and 60s. Participants can sing- along or just relax and enjoy the music. **Hosted by the Warrenbrook Senior Center.**

Feb. 11, 3 p.m. – Virtual Bingo. Researchers have found that playing Bingo has multiple benefits, such as promoting socialization, strengthening hand-eye coordination and helping to improve short-term memory skills. Participants can use the gameboard on their screen. **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Bridgewater.**

Feb. 12, 11 a.m. – “Nutrition and Heart Health” by Amanda Fano, M.S., R.D.N., Far Hills Pharmacy. Learn the benefits of consuming healthy fats and limiting the intake of unhealthy fats. Get nutrition tips and find out what foods to eat for optimal heart health. A healthy heart can lower the risk of heart disease and improve one’s overall well-being. **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Hillsborough.**

Feb. 12, 1 p.m. – Chinese Lunar New Year 2021 Performance with Lili Greene, ICE Production Network Inc., Talents for the Community.  Celebrate the Chinese New Year with multi-talented students from Edison who will showcase their musical flair.  Students will perform “Fortune! Year of Ox” a YouTube concert. **Hosted by the Montgomery Senior Center.**

Feb. 12 p.m. – Brain Games and Trivia with KristenJoin Kristen for a few trivia and brain games to help sharpen thinking skills that tend to wane with age. These games will help participants improve their cognitive and planning skills, reaction time, decision making and short-term memory. **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Basking Ridge.**

Feb. 16-19

Feb. 16, 11 a.m. – Party Hearty in the Middle Ages” by Dr. Michael Norris. Travel through time with Dr. Norris who will present art and archaeology as it pertains to medieval feasting and fun. Enjoy the history and images of the Middle Ages. **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Basking Ridge.**

Feb. 16, 1 p.m. – Valentine’s Day Sing-Along with Sal DiBianca, entertainer. Enjoy romantic Valentine’s Day music performed by Sal with his guitar. Sing-along or just relax. Bring your lunch. **Hosted by the Warrenbrook Senior Center.**

Feb. 16, 2 p.m. – Travel the Solar System with Amie Gallagher, director, Raritan Valley Community College Planetarium. Embark on an adventure in your mind’s eye to explore planets and moons in the solar system from the comfort of your chair! Learn how to calculate the travel distances (and time) to these heavenly bodies. **Bring a pencil, paper, scissors, and tape. Hosted by the Quail Brook Senior Center.**

Feb. 1711 a.m. – Flow and Flair (Part 1) with Mykel Dicus, Eec! Productions. Dance, create and improve your range of motion through a series of fun dance movements. Stimulate visual and auditory senses, improve tactical and analytical abilities, and boost sequential memory and creativity. **A small flag or other items (i.e. pillowcase, hand towel, scarf, handkerchief, etc.) is needed to participate. Space is limited. Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Bridgewater.**

Feb. 17, 2 p.m. – Word Games with DonnaDust off the cobwebs and get the brain revved up. Join Donna to play fun games like Pictionary, Boggle, Name 5 and more. Interact with old friends, make new ones, and laugh! **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Hillsborough.**

Feb. 18, 11 a.m. – “Princeton Cemetery” by Eve Mandel, Historical Society of Princeton. Join this virtual tour of the Princeton Cemetery, which is sometimes referred to as the “Westminster Abbey of the United States.” Hear fascinating stories, and see images of the final resting places for Princeton’s prominent citizens, including a United States president, vice president and a delegate who signed the Declaration of Independence. **Hosted by the Warrenbrook Senior Center.**

Feb. 18, 3 p.m. – Guided Meditation with Cate. Take a break and soothe yourself with calming music and meditation, which will help reduce stress, control anxiety, increase attention span, and decrease age-related memory loss. **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Bridgewater.**

Feb. 19, 11 a.m. – A Blast to the Past by Chris Giakas. Listen to all your favorites from the “King of Rock & Roll.” Chris will perform oldies but goodies like “Blue Suede Shoes,” “Love Me Tender” and “Jailhouse Rock.” **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Hillsborough.**

Feb. 19, p.m. – Brain Games and Trivia. Stimulate your brain with various trivia and brain games. Studies show that brain games may help sharpen certain thinking skills that tend to wane with age. Brain games can improve cognitive speed, planning skills, reaction time, decision making and short- term memory. **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Basking Ridge.**

Feb. 22-26

Feb. 22, 11 a.m. – Vital Vernals” by Vanessa Darras, naturalist, Somerset County Parks Commission. Learn about New Jersey’s special ecosystem that supports hundreds of species that can only be seen in the spring. Vernal pools – part of the ecosystem – are unique habitats that only exist when water is prevalent. Many different species depend on a habitat that can disappear at any moment. **Hosted by the Quail Brook Senior Center.**

Feb. 22, 2:30 p.m. – Pun & Games with Donna & Denise. Join the pun. Puns are silly, witty and unforgettable. Longtime lovers of wordplay will enjoy this session! **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Hillsborough and the Montgomery Senior Center.**

Feb. 23, 11 a.m. – “1968 Fifty Years Later: How Events 50 Years Ago Shaped the World” by Evan Weiner. Reminisce in this presentation about the swinging 60s – a tumultuous decade. 1968 was the most turbulent year of that time. The Vietnam War, assassinations, riots, global strife, women’s liberation, the civil rights movement and a man went to the moon.  **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Basking Ridge.**

Feb. 23, 12:30 p.m. – “Cold, Flu, Allergies or COVID?” by the Rutgers School of Nursing. Do you get nervous when you have a tickle in your throat? You’re not alone! Nursing students from the Rutgers School of Nursing will discuss the various signs and symptoms and the differences between COVID, a cold and the flu. **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Bridgewater.**

Feb. 24, 10 a.m.  “Step up to a Healthier You!  Diet and Exercise: the Good Words for 2021” by Amanda Fano, M.S., R.D.N., Far Hills Pharmacy. Riddled with guilt because you have just consumed the last crumb and have abandoned the old self-promise to get back on track to optimal health and wellness? In this presentation, Ms. Fano will present a simple diet plan for eating well, exercising, and eliminating the negative emotional obstacles that many embrace.  Explore the path to better nutrition with essential minerals/vitamins/nutrients but without tedious preparation and costly grocery bills.  **Hosted by the Quail Brook Senior Center**

Feb. 24, 11 a.m. – Flow and Flair (Part 2) with Mykel Dicus, Eec! Productions. Dance, create and improve your range of motion through a series of fun dance movements. Stimulate visual and auditory senses, improve tactical and analytical abilities, and boost sequential memory and creativity. **A small flag or other items (i.e. pillowcase, hand towel, scarf, handkerchief, etc.) is needed to participate. Space is limited. Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Bridgewater.**

Feb. 24, 2 p.m. – Word Games with Donna. Dust off the cobwebs and get the brain revved up. Join Donna to play fun games like Pictionary, Boggle, Name 5 and more. Interact with old friends, make new ones, and laugh! **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Hillsborough.**

Feb. 25, 11 a.m. – Learning to Draw with NadeenBring a pencil and paper to learn how to draw a winter landscape using a practical drawing technique. **Hosted by the Warrenbrook Senior Center.**

Feb. 26, 11 a.m. – “Troubles in Henry’s Nose: A Play” by Tim Bosworth, playwright and author. Enjoy this profoundly moving and relevant play about loss. Inspired by a personal relationship, this play presents a humorous and uplifting angle about personal loss that will resonate with the audience. Mr. Bosworth will offer a Q&A session following the play.  **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Hillsborough.**

Feb. 26, p.m. – Brain Games and Trivia. Stimulate your brain with various trivia and brain games. Studies show that brain games may help sharpen certain thinking skills that tend to wane with age. Brain games can improve cognitive speed, planning skills, reaction time, decision making and short- term memory. **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Basking Ridge.**

Mondays, 10 a.m.  – Chair Yoga with Manjula. Gain the benefits of practicing yoga poses from the support and safety of your favorite chair. This class is an excellent opportunity to increase bone density, improve strength, flexibility and balance while being immersed in a relaxing class. Expect lots of gentle stretching to bring movement to joints and muscles. This class is perfect for relieving stress and helping to gain an overall sense of well-being. This class is open to all skill levels and can be practiced while standing or sitting. **A maximum of 25 participants is allowed in class. To register, call 908-369-8700 or email AgingHillsborough@co.somerset.nj.us. Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Hillsborough.**

Feb. 1, 8 & 22, 1 p.m. – Chair Exercises with NadeenJoin Nadeen for fun chair exercises that will help increase blood circulation, flexibility and strengthen muscles. Participants can sit in a chair or stand to practice exercises. **A maximum of 25 participants is allowed in the class. To register, call 908-753-9440 or emailHrevnackDickey@co.somerset.nj.us. This program is hosted by the Warrenbrook Senior Center.**

Mondays, 2 p.m. – Take Control of Exercise. Strengthen core muscles, improve flexibility and balance while boosting stamina. This program that is presented in a video format. This class is for all skill levels and can be practiced while either standing or sitting. **Maximum of 25 participants is allowed in the class. To register please call 908-204-335 or email Grieco@co.somerset.nj.us. This class is hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Basking Ridge**  

Take Control with Exercise – Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9 a.m. Strengthen core muscles and improve flexibility and balance while boosting stamina in this exercise program that is for all skill levels and can be practiced while either standing or sitting. **A maximum of 25 participants is allowed in the class. To register, call 908-204-3435 or emailGrieco@co.somerset.nj.us. This program is hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Basking Ridge.**

Yoga/Meditation & Breathing Techniques with Dr. Prabha Srinivas, Tuesdays at 12 p.m. Council for Yoga Accreditation International at the S-Vyasa University of Yogic Sciences, Bangalore India. Take control of your emotional and physical well-being and reduce stress in your life through the practice of yoga and meditation. **Participants should wear comfortable clothing that will allow for movement. A maximum of 25 participants is allowed in the class. To register please call 732-563-4213 or emailAgingQuailbrook@co.somerset.nj.us . Hosted by the Quail Brook Senior Center**

Yoga for All! Chair Yoga with Manjula – Thursdays, 10:45 a.m. Gain the benefits of practicing yoga poses from the support and safety of your favorite chair. This class is an excellent opportunity to increase bone density, improve strength, flexibility and balance while being immersed in a relaxing class. Expect lots of gentle stretching to bring movement to joints and muscles. This class is perfect for relieving stress and helping to gain an overall sense of well-being. The class is open to all skill levels and can be practiced while standing or sitting. **A maximum of 25 participants is allowed in class. To register, call 732-563-4213 or email AgingQuaiBrook@co.somerset.nj.usThis program is hosted by the Quail Brook Senior Center.**

Fit & Flex with Rose – Thursdays, 2 p.m. This FREE weekly exercise program changes frequently and is suitable for all skill levels. Classes will help participants learn stretching, strength training, laughter-yoga, breathing exercises and more. **A maximum of 25 participants is allowed in the class. To register call 908-369-8700 or email AgingHillsborough@co.somerset.nj.usHosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Hillsborough.**

Zumba Gold (Chair) with Laurie Fetcher – Fridays, 11:30 a.m. Get your blood pumping to zesty music that will inspire a hearty workout. This class is manageable for people age 60 and above, beginners, or others who need modification to their exercise routine, and who would like to build cardiovascular health by challenging the heart, and working hip, leg, and arm muscles with fun and rhythmic moves while sitting in a chair.**A maximum of 25 participants is allowed in the class. To register, call 732-563-4213 or email AgingQuailBrook@co.somerset.nj.us. Hosted by the Quail Brook Senior Center.**


625 New Brunswick Road

Somerset, NJ 08873


The Regime Exercise Class with Allyson – Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, 1 p.m. Get a head-to-toe workout when using intervals of weights, stretching and aerobic movements, which will lubricate joints for flexibility, strengthen and stabilize muscles, increase blood circulation and can help with weight loss. These exercises can help lower the risk of falls and increase the ability to better accomplish daily activities. This program can be practiced while either standing or sitting and with or without hand weights. Monday – Upper Body Routine, Wednesday – Mid Section Routine and Friday – Lower Body Routine. **A maximum of 25 participants is allowed in the class. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and sneakers.**

WARRENBROOK SENIOR CENTER (located on the Warrenbrook Golf Course)

500 Warrenville Road

Warren, NJ 07059


Feb. 9, 1:30 p.m. Monthly Book Club – (Every Second Tuesday). Join fellow members to discuss “The Kitchen House” by Kathleen Grissom, then select the next book to read. New members are always welcome!

Line Dancing with Linda – Thursdays, 1 p.m. Need to improve cardiovascular and muscular strength? Join Line Dancing – which is so much fun it doesn’t even seem like exercise! This class will help participants stay healthy both mentally and physically, is suitable for people with limited mobility and can increase coordination and balance. **A maximum of 25 participants is allowed in the class.**

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