625 New Brunswick Rd., Somerset, NJ 08873
(732) 563-4213
Open Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Individual Computer & PED (Personal Electronic Devices) Instruction with Mike Dias – Tuesday, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. **Please call (732) 563-4213 to schedule an appointment. Check the monthly calendar for the schedule.**
Healthy Bones Exercise Class with Joan Ackerman – Monday, 9:15 a.m. This peer-led, 24-week exercise and education program is for individuals who are at-risk or have osteoporosis. Exercises focus on improving balance, strength, flexibility and posture. Advanced registration is required. A doctor’s note is also required prior to the first class and then once every year. **For new participants, the price is $45; this includes ankle weights, a participant’s manual and the class fee. If ankle weights are not needed the price is $15.**
QBC News – Monday – Friday, 10 – 10:30 a.m. Enjoy breaking news and current events from around the world or locally. Take part in a stimulating Q&A session as fellow center members take turns researching and sharing the hot topics of the day.
The Regime Exercise Class – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday, 1 p.m. This head-to-toe workout combines the use of weights, stretching and aerobic movements. Learn movements that will lubricate joints and keep them flexible, strengthen and stabilize individual muscles, increase blood circulation and with the proper diet, lose weight! These exercises can help decrease falls and increase the ability to better-accomplish day-to-day activities. This program can be done standing or sitting and with or without hand weights. Monday – Upper Body Routine, Tuesday – Mid-Section Routine, Wednesday – Lower Body Routine, Friday – Total Routine. Comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and sneakers are required.
Continuing Art Institute with Karen Haake – Tuesday, 1 – 3 p.m. Cornucopia and Creations! Module 1 – Whimsy: Fun, Creative and Appealing Approach to Nature’s Natural Designs (using metallic paints and markers on tiles; a great combination of textures). Module 2 – Acrylic Paints/Painting: Innovative/Inspirational Techniques of Painting on Glass (glasses that can be given as unique holiday gifts). Module 3 – Festive Cards: Individual Card Creations Utilizing Watercolor Paint, Artist Pencils and Cardstock Paper. **$10.00 fee per class includes supplies.**
Bridge & Card Club with Hatim Hyderally & Andy Prokov – Thursday & Friday, 10:30 a.m. This is a classic game of strategy that features two teams of two and countless bids and tricks. Here’s an opportunity for people of all levels and ability to meet new friends for intellectual and social stimulation on a routine basis. Bridge is also a wonderful way to stimulate your brain by improving memory, and visualization and sequencing. In addition to Bridge, join the group for other card playing competitions, such as Texas Hold ‘em Poker, Po-Ke-No, etc.
Crochet & Knitting with Esther Folwkes – Thursday, 10:30 or 11 a.m. Learn the difference between these two methods of creating artistic patterns using fabric and yarn, a single hook or two needles. Which method do you think is easier? This class is for beginners, experts and anyone wishing to brush up on their skills!
Line Dancing – Friday, 9:30 a.m. Line Dancing is so much fun that it doesn’t seem like exercise! You don’t need a partner and it’s an easy way to stay healthy, both mentally and physically. This class is suitable for people with limited mobility; and may improve cardiovascular health, muscular strength, coordination and balance as you work through different movements.
Card Sharks – Friday, 10:30 a.m. Learn how to play various card games either for group play and/or tournament participation.
A Variety of Board & Card Games (Monopoly, Po-Ke-No, Yahtzee, Dominoes & Checkers) – Available Monday – Friday. If you have a favorite game not listed that you would like to play, and/or if you are interested in starting up a club featuring the game of your choice, please inform the staff.
Indoor Shuffleboard – Monday – Friday.
Table Tennis (Ping Pong) – Monday – Friday. Take a shot at being a tournament master by playing singles or doubles games. This competitive game has been an Olympic sport since 1988, and it is a great way to maintain and improve hand/eye coordination, concentration and agility.
Nov. 1, 15 & 29 – Circuit Training, 9:15 a.m. Have fun while performing exercises that tone your muscles. In this class, you will raise your heart rate with cardiovascular exercises and tone muscles in the upper and lower body. This will help you in your everyday activities, while working on balance, your core, overall agility and muscle strength. Sneakers are required. ** $30 for the 6-week class. Next session begins in December. Please call (732) 563-4213 for more information.**
Nov. 1, 8 & 15 – Zumba Gold with Laurie Fetcher, 10:30 a.m. In this class, popular music will inspire a hearty workout that is accessible for people age 60 and above, beginners or others needing modifications to their exercise routine. Participants in Zumba Gold will build cardiovascular health by challenging the heart and working the muscles of their hips, legs and arms while practicing fun, energetic and rhythmic moves.
Nov. 1 – “Young Picasso at the Met” by Dr. Michael Norris, former museum educator, Metropolitan Museum, Brandeis University-Somerset, 1:15 – 3:30 p.m. Join Dr. Norris as he takes participants through an illustrated conversation about art and Pablo Ruiz Picasso’s changing world, and his teenage years through his twenties; including the Blue and Rose periods, and early his experimentation with Cubism.
Nov. 1, 8, 15 & 29 – A Matter of Balance with Olga Brahin, & Caitlin Witucki, MS, health promotion specialist, Somerset County Office on Aging & Disability Services. This class is designed to help participants, who have a fear of falling, by providing them with exercises and resources to maintain their health and safety. Starting with session number three, participants will begin each subsequent class with a specific exercise. **Class will start at 10:30 a.m. on Nov. 29.**
Nov. 1 – State Health Insurance Program (SHIP). A counselor will be available to provide FREE help to New Jersey Medicare beneficiaries who have problems or questions about their health benefits. SHIP is a statewide program sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services. **Please call (732) 563-4213 to schedule an appointment.**
Nov. 1, 8, 15 & 29 – Yoga with Dr. Prabha Srinivas (Council for Yoga Accreditation International at the S-Vyasa University of Yogic Sciences, Bangalore India), 1 p.m. Through the practice of yoga and meditation, learn to take control of your emotional and physical well-being while reducing stress. Please bring a mat and wear comfortable clothing that will allow for movement.
Nov. 2 – “Musicals & Movies: 1980 to the Present” by Sam & Candy Caponegro, 10:30 a.m. Explore the history behind scene production, themes and scores from hit musicals and movies that were popular in the 1980s to the present. Watch original and memorable scenes from popular productions.
Nov. 5 & 26 – Music for Wellness with John Fitzpatrick, musician, 10:30 a.m. This four-part venue filled with music and singing is intended to exhilarate the spirit for a powerful and whole-body health experience!
Nov. 6 – Center is closed.
Nov. 7 – Table Tennis Instructions with Christopher Lehman, USATT certified regional level coach, ITTF international coach & referee, 10:30 a.m. Play this Olympic sport on Quail Brook’s new ping-pong table where everyone participates! Be part of the team and show your team spirit. Try your hand at improving hand-eye coordination, and physical mobility.
Nov. 9 – Veteran’s Salute with the Residents at the Regency Jewish Heritage Rehabilitation Center, 10:30 a.m. Quail Brook seniors will pay tribute to our veterans by singing their hearts out with well-known and well-deserved patriotic songs at the rehabilitation center.
Nov. 12 – Center is closed.
Nov. 13 & 20 – Body and Brain Yoga with Lucy Pagnetti, 10:30 a.m. Body and Brain is a dynamic mind-body practice that combines stretching, flowing-movement, deep-breathing exercises and meditation, that’s taught in a simple and easy-to-learn format. The basis for this practice is to focus on developing the body’s core strength in order to improve physical, mental and spiritual health. This program can be done while either standing or sitting.
Nov. 14, 21 & 28 – Ageless Grace Fitness Program with Roz Gerken, certified ageless grace educator, 10:30 a.m. Ageless Grace is based on the cutting-edge science of neuroplasticity, which is the ability of the brain and central nervous system to change structurally and functionally. The program is designed to activate all five functions of the brain (strategic planning, memory, recall, analytical thinking, creativity, imagination and kinesthetic thinking). The program is intended for people of all abilities and can be performed while either standing or sitting. Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing and sneakers.
Nov. 16 – “Native American Dance (Session 4), 10:30 a.m. Dance is an important part of socialization, and a way to perserve fascinating and distinct cultures. Native Americans have used dance as a way to connect with each other and honor longstanding traditions. Learn the unique quality of these dances and discover how each step represents a deeper purpose or significance and how powerful this medium can be for expressing an idea. **This program is made possible, in part, by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State and administered by the Somerset County Cultural & Heritage Commission through the State/County Partnership Local Arts Program.**
Nov. 19 – “Sugar in Your Diet: Bad or Good?” by Daryl Minch, M.Ed., CFCS, family & community health sciences educator, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, 10:30 a.m. Get a handle on your love- handles before the holidays! Do you have a sweet tooth? Do you reach for a cookie or an apple? What’s the difference? Learn about the negative effects of sugar on your health and how to reduce/eliminate sugar in your diet.
Nov. 22 & 23 – Center is closed.
Nov. 27 – Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Screenings with Saint Peter’s University Hospital, 10:15 a.m. Knowing, monitoring , and controlling these three key components is critical for heart-care and living a healthier life.
Nov. 30 – “New Jersey Inventors” by Dakota Hettel, Morris Museum, 10:30 a.m. What innovations and inventions have the people of the great state of New Jersey contributed to the rest of the country and around the world? How have these creations affected our world today? Join us for a hands-on exploration of the inventions that rocked the globe, including Thomas Edison’s electric light bulb and Samuel Morse’s improvements on the Telegraph and invention of Morse code. **This program is made possible, in part, by the New Jersey Historical Commission, a division of the Department of State through the State/County History Partnership Program Grant, and administered in Somerset County by the Somerset County Cultural & Heritage Commission.**