
Outdoor Tree Lighting Ceremony Returns To Township

A township tradition returned Dec. 12 with the lighting of the outdoor holiday tree at the municipal complex on DeMott Lane.

Led by Saffie Kallon, the township recreation department’s recreation coordinator, a hardy but cold group of residents counted down from 10 to signal for the switch to be thrown to light the tree.

Afterword, the group walked down to the Community/Senior Center – accompanied by the drumming of Daniel Santiago –  for music, crafts and food.

Boy Scouts from Troop 154 were on hand to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

Performing were Stephanie Tu of Buddha’s Light Chinese Orchestra; Anjana Nair of the Princeton Girlchoir; Jada Abdullah, Kris Guru, Noah O’Dell and Thomas Swayne of the Franklin High School Wind Ensemble and members of the Franklin Township Youth Council diversity committee, who gave a cultural holidays presentation.

Members of the Franklin Township Youth Council were on hand at various games and craft stations for the children.

Living Nativity 2014
A scene from Middlebush Reformed Church’s Living Nativity.

Elsewhere in the township, Middlebush Reformed Church, Amwell and South Middlebush roads, once again presented its Living Nativity on the green in front of the church.

Visitors wend through an illuminaria-lit trail and stop at stations depicting various parts of the Christmas story.

There rare still more holiday events planned for the weekend and into next week:

Dec. 13: Living Nativity at Middlebush Reformed Church, Amwell and South Middlebush roads. 7-9 p.m. Enjoy a candle-lit stroll, sing as loudly as you want, and munch a homemade cookie or two. Caroling, costumed characters, and a candle-lit path led by guides takes the public to stops where they will hear the Christmas story.  Under the stars, the church’s choir will sing carols, while live animals add to the nativity atmosphere.

Dec. 14: Holiday Open House at the Wyckoff-Garretson House, 215 South Middlebush Rd. 1-4 p.m. The free event features Madrigal singers, a harpist and open hearth cooking demonstration.

Dec. 16: Gala Hanukkah Candle Lighting at Temple Beth El, 1489 Hamilton Street. 7 p.m. Songs, jelly doughnuts, latkes.

Dec. 20: Santa Claus at East Millstone Fire Department, 2365 Amwell Rd. 8-8:30 p.m.


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