
In Your Opinion: Time Running Out For Comments On NESE Permit Applications

Submitted by the Franklin Township Task Force on Compressor Station 206.

Do you care about breathing polluted air, drinking water of poor quality, and eating poisoned fish?

Increased hot and rainy days, more ozone-alert days and flooding, and increased water temperatures threaten our health and economy.

Now is the time to speak up – We have until August 23 to send comments to NJDEP about the requested permits for NESE which risks our health and safety through construction activities, compressor station emissions and methane leaks.

In New Jersey, the NESE Project is proposed to include:

  1. a gas-fired compressor station between Trap Rock Quarry, Higgins Fund Superfund Site and the NJ Buddhist Vihara & Meditation Center on the border of Franklin Township and South Brunswick near Princeton, and
  2. pipeline in Old Bridge and Sayreville that would go through the DuPont DeNemours and Global Sanitary Landfill toxic soil and into Raritan Bay – through the Raritan Bay Slag Superfund Site – where it would unearth toxins like mercury, arsenic and PCBs that have been buried beneath the seafloor.

The NESE Project will move natural gas more quickly through pipes that are over 50 years old, and risks from quicker corrosion leading to fires and explosions are real.

The NESE Project will smother clams and other creatures in Raritan Bay, cloud the waters so that fish won’t see predators, harm the hearing of seals, and spread toxins that other fish will eat.

The NESE Project’s compressor station will send cancer-causing toxins like Formaldehyde and Benzene into the air for decades.

You can imagine the threats to the health and safety of residents, other life and future generations that this poses!

For the NESE Project to be built, Williams/Transco needs permits from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP).

We have a little over a week to show Governor Murphy and the NJDEP that opposition to the pipeline is growing and demand they do the right thing to protect our waters, communities and climate by stopping the NESE Project for good.

At a time when federal protective regulations are being dismantled, and the rights of states to protect their air and water are being threatened, we have the opportunity to make it known that we do not support profits and weakened protective rules for the industry at the expense of our health and well-being.

Many voices are needed to demand that NJDEP protects our waters and denies permits for the NESE Project.

Comment ideas can be found on the websites: 

Send comments to:
Joslin C. Tamagno
Environmental Supervisor
NJDEP, Division of Land Use Regulation
Mail Code 501-02A
P.O. Box 420
Trenton, NJ 08624

You can also sign online petition letters sending this message.  One, from Sierra Club, can be found atPetition Link: https://secure3.convio.net/scnj/site/Advocacy…

Your Thoughts


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