
In Your Opinion: Respect, Dignity And First Amendment Should Be Upheld

By Michele Petersen.

As the Franklin Township Republican Municipal Chair, I fully support the First Amendment rights of all Americans. The sentiments in the recent article regarding the display of a profanity-laden sign on DeMott Lane show the frustrations of residents who pass it. Expressing my opinions regarding our elected officials with vulgarity is not my style, nor is it the style of most Republicans in town – evidenced by the absence of similar signs on lawns throughout Franklin.

The Democrat chair knows that the person displaying this sign is not representative of every Republican in Franklin Township, just as I know there are members of his party that do things that do not represent the thoughts or actions of every Franklin Democrat. 

As a mom and a neighbor I never condone the use of vulgar language. As a Republican, I am thankful for our freedom of speech protected by the First Amendment. We should uphold the principles of civility and mutual respect, even in the face of political differences, and while doing so we should respect the Bill of Rights. 

Michele Petersen is the Chairperson of the Franklin Township Republican Municipal Committee.

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