
In Your Opinion: Recent FTPD-Related Events Spur Questions

By Ravikanth Kolla.

The recent revelations about the FTPD raise even more questions in my mind:

  1. How far back does this go? It looks like this goes back years and we had one party completely control the Township Council for over 12 years.
  2. If this goes back years, what was the Council doing for years?
  3. Are any of the officers who “chose” to retire in the years it goes back to, involved in this?
  4. Council’s knee-jerk reaction before the Prosecutor’s office has finished its investigation seems like a CYA attempt.
  5. Let the chips fall where they may after the Prosecutor’s Office finishes its investigation.
  6. Sounds like Council is using this excuse to usurp power over the police and demoralize all the good officers who lose any chance of rising to Chief.

Your Thoughts


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