
In Your Opinion: Phil Kramer For Mayor

By Bill Connell, Somerset.

The Township Council makes hundreds of decisions a year. Many people come to meetings for the sideshow of public session and then leave, but the best part is the Consent agenda. This is where you start to understand what it takes to keep the town running. I have been to more than a few meetings where a lively public session is followed by a far more important issue that goes unnoticed being voted on, that is on the consent agenda.

Public Session is tricky. More often than not, the most vested and polarized opinions, the ones with skin in the game, come to the microphone. Council has to step back and sort through it all. I watch closely at the process Council people use to arrive at their decision and vote.

Unfortunately, the perception of our public officials is more often based on public session issues and not the comprehensive knowledge of what’s on the consent agenda. Knowing what it takes to make government run. Hands down, this is Councilman Kramer.

Franklin has the choice between two motivated candidates for Mayor but I am still comfortably voting for Phil Kramer. I think it’s important to know why. Councilman Kramer has earned my intellectual respect countless times. This is certainly not an insult to Mr Kelly, but he has only earned my training wheels of respect.

Issues like saving Bennett Lane from 600 homes, or even a building a large park are more complicated than even the closest observers understand. As a private citizen I can’t understand the whole issue but I can have confidence in the person making the decisions. Mr. Kramer has earned that confidence. Mr. Kramer seeks out contrary opinions just to test his own point of view. I may not always like his answer, I may not always like the outcome, but I know he thought it through. You cannot say that about all politicians, but you can about Mr. Kramer.

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