By Bill Connell, Somerset.
This letter is in response to Mark Grieco’s letter regarding his assertion that Pres. Trump’s actions were treason. Your letter made me realize I have stopped listening or trying to understand all together. That’s bad.
To start, watching Trump’s public discourse is like that lemonade commercial with the kid playing T-ball. The kid hits a great shot then runs to the lemonade stand instead of running the bases. I do not claim to understand why he does what he does.
Treason, that is a pretty hefty accusation. Dumb, weird, awkward, naïve, stupid , disingenuous, short-sighted , dangerous , delusional or just plain wrong, maybe, but treason? I don’t care what he said publicly, I care more about what he whispered in his ear privately. How many people understand that the United States actively meddled in Russian election affairs. In the 90s. Russia just figured out how to weaponize Facebook. Their AP students must score a lot of 4s and 5s. Good for them. It’s still not OK, but lets be honest, it’s an old game with new tricks. Did anyone really comprehend what Edward Snowden was saying?
This is why I only care about local politics. It just gets too complicated and too many compromises beyond the Raritan. At any time I can look a local public official in the eye and call BS. “Is this your best worst idea??”
Here is my question to Mr. Grieco. The only reason Trump is a thing is because of politicians’ inaction. Politicians’ inaction is a form of treason. They constantly choose self-preservation and funding over what is actually the right thing to do. Is that not treason too? Republican and Democrat.
All I know is I have gone numb and stopped listening because I can no longer get an honest perspective about anything. I would rather talk to a little white ball. “Hello Ball.”
Mark, I am not proud of my ambivalence and hopefully will get over it. The good news is I could care less about Meghan Markle as well, so I’m not completely lost. I still look for logic instead of cults of personality.