
In Your Opinion: COVID Concerns Keeps Mayor Away From Protest Marches, But There In Spirit

By Mayor Phil Kramer.

 Citizens of Franklin Township along with citizens throughout our country have been stirred to raise their voices in recent days. Not only due to the incredible act of inhumanity leveled against George Floyd, but also due to the continuing inequality and injustice which still too frequently occurs in today’s society. Citizens of all races and ethnic groups are angry, I am angry, and the cumulative effect of these continuing events must be the catalyst to finally implement real and effective change throughout our nation. No more empty promises, it is time for real change! 

Not only as an elected official, but as a citizen of this community and as an American, it has always been my determination to see that ALL citizens are treated equally under the law! At the same time, I have always maintained that some of the most effective and needed changes in this country have come from the ground up and that is why, I share the belief that the actions of millions of citizens who have taken to the streets in peaceful protest, will, at long last, ensure that the people’s voices are heard loud and clear, enough is enough! The future must be very different from today. 

While as Mayor, I wish I could be there to physically stand with my fellow citizens as they peacefully join together to raise their voices to demand the changes being called for throughout the nation. As a practicing doctor however, I am also obliged to ensure that I take every step necessary to protect the health of the patients where I practice by strictly adhering to all social distancing guidelines. Also, as a doctor I am a potential carrier of COVID-19 and my presence could put attendees at an unacceptable risk. Finally, as Mayor I am obliged to follow the social distancing guidelines I have asked of others. 

I ask everyone who is attending marches to maintain a safe distance from others to the greatest extent possible, and above all, wear a mask. Finally, I want to ensure the residents of our community that I do in fact stand with you in your call for our nation to reach the reality of living up to its promise of real equality under the law for ALL of its citizens. 

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