Local Girl Scouts, and Girl Scout Week, were honored at the March 14 Township Council Meeting.
Citations commemorating individual and group efforts were awarded by Mayor Phil Kramer.
Molly H. of Troop 60607 (the girls’ last names were not used due to privacy concerns) was commended for achieving the Girl Scouts’ Gold Award, the highest award a Girl Scout can receive. She won the award for creating the “Hiking Adventure Guide for Girls by Girls” to help in getting more girls outdoors.
“I wanted to get more girls out hiking,” Molly said. She said the booklet was distributed to “outdoor stores, clubs and organizations.”
Shanon S. and Stasha H. were commended for achieving the Silver Award, which is the highest honor a Girl Scout Cadette can earn. They received the award for creating a letterbox activity for a local Girl Scout Camp.
“Shannon and I and one other girl … decided to make letter boxing for camp,” Stasha said. “Overall, I think it was really fun and we enjoyed everything that we did.”
“I think we made it better and more enjoyable for hikers,” Shannon said.
The Bronze Award is the highest award a Junior Girl Scout can earn. Three teams of Girl Scouts were honored for reaching that goal.
Two teams from Troop 60675 were honored.
The first team, comprised of Isla H., Mckayla P., Padmini S., Sadie G and Saniya B. were honored for creating an animal adoption education project and making toys for animals at the shelter.
The second team, comprised of Isabel U., Kayah S., Molly A. and Pavithra S. were honored for their “Save The Bee!” project, which sought to raise awareness about the importance of pollinating bees and for creating a pollinator garden at a local church.
A team from Troop 63202, comprised of Danielle C., Annabelle L., Emma A., Charlotte M., Mila V., Kamylle K., Maren W., Layla V., Gabriella S., Chloe L., and Alyanna B. were honored for creating a community donation drive for the Franklin Animal Shelter and for creating an animal care booklet for new pet owners.
The Council’s proclamation naming March 12-18 as Girl Scout Week notes the organization’s work in inspiring “more than 50 million girls and women to strive for the highest ideals of courage, confidence
and character.”
Here are some scenes from the evening: