
FTPD Looking Into Rash Of Catalytic Converter Thefts

Township police are investigating a rash of catalytic converter thefts that were reported on December 16 and 17.

On December 16:

  • A township resident reported that two people stole the catalytic converter from his car while it was parked on Phillips Road. The two suspects escaped in a white Audi SUV.
  • A township resident reported his car’s catalytic converter while it was parked near JFK Boulevard. The suspects were believed to have escaped in a white Audi.
  • A township resident reported that their car’s catalytic converter was stolen while it was parked on Baier Avenue.
  • A second township resident reported that their car’s catalytic converter was stolen while it was parked near JFK Boulevard.
  • A township resident reported that his car’s catalytic converter was stolen between December 14 and 16 while it was parked on Dayton Avenue.

On December 17:

  • A township resident reported that their car’s catalytic converter was stolen between December 15 and 17 while it was parked near JFK Boulevard.
  • A township resident reported that their car’s catalytic converter was stolen between December 15 and 17 while it was parked on Dayton Avenue.

Township police offer the following tips on keeping your car’s catalytic converter safe:

  • Park your vehicle inside your garage or in secure side yard.
  • If you have to park outside, leave on exterior lights or install motion detector lights.
  • Check into installing an additional sensor to convertors that set off the vehicle’s alarm when the thieves attempt to steal it.
  • Ask your repair shop to tack weld the nut and bolt: it helps prevent most thieves from easily unbolting the assembly.
  • Residents are advised to call 911 if they see someone underneath a parked vehicle, especially late at night or other times when there are little to no other people around.

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