
Franklin Woman’s Club Participates In World Wide Day Of Knitting

The Franklin Woman’s Club participated in the 2018 World Wide Knitting in Public Day, helping to make nearly 400 hats for babies. Photo: Franklin Woman’s Club.

Nearly 400 purple hats made by local knitters– including a contingent from the Franklin Woman’s Club – will be donated to Prevent Child Abuse NJ.

Knitters recently gathered at the township library’s Franklin Park branch to make the hats during the 2018 World Wide Day of Public Knitting, according to a press release from the group.

The hats will be used as part of Prevent Child Abuse NJ’s educational initiative, The Period of Purple Crying, which was developed by the National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome, according to the release. Currently, 14 New Jersey hospitals participate in this initiative by educating parents and caregivers about the characteristics of infant crying by using the acronym “Purple” and giving the baby a purple hat, according to the release.

The event has been held at the library for the past two years, according to the release.

In addition to the Woman’s Club members, those responsible for the event include library staff and Pam MacKenzie, a local reporter who has a knitting blog.

Also knitting in the effort were members of the Knitting Club at Somerville Senior Housing and members of MacKenize’s knitting group, according to the release.

According to the release, those wishing to participate can do so by:

  • Become a partner with the Franklin Woman’s Club (FWC) by knitting or crocheting a purple baby cap. For guidelines and patterns for knitted/crocheted baby caps, visit: http://clickforbabies.org/stitchers-club.
  • Make a donation for the purchase of yarn.  Please make check payable to the Franklin Woman’s Club, indicating “Click for Babies Campaign” in the subject line of your check and mail to: Franklin Woman’s Club, P O Box 5793, Somerset, NJ 08875.
  • Donate newly purchased skeins of (soft-to-the-touch) yarn in any shade of purple to the Franklin Woman’s Club. Call (732) 844-9002 and leave a message requesting that your donation of yarn or hats be picked up. A FWC member will contact you to make these arrangements.


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