
Franklin Food Bank Benefits From Two Fundraisers In One Day

CROP Walkers pose for their annual group photo before setting off Oct. 21.

Oct. 21 was a double-barreled fundraising day for the Franklin Food Bank.

First, there was the 9th annual “Hot Dog Day” fundraiser at the Corner Cafe and Grille at DeMott Lane and Amwell Road.

A joint fundraiser with FTPD PBA Local 154, the event featured $1 hot dogs, sodas and chips, and $2 veggie and “PBA” burgers.

The PBA was also selling it’s “Pink Patch Project” t-shirts as part of a fundraising effort to benefit the Sister 2 Sister Network, which supports women going through breast cancer treatment.

Just about concurrent with the hot dog event was the annual CROP Walk held by Somerset Presbyterian Church.

A percentage of the funds raised by the walk go to the food bank, with the rest going to other missions.

“We’re feeding local people, we’re making sure people right here, right in our town, have food,” food bank executive director Frank Hasner told the CROP walkers before they set off. “We’re doing a lot. We have a new facility, we have some new programs and we definitely need everybody’s help. It’s a community project, and we need all of you.”

Speaking about the two events taking place at the same time, Hasner said, “It is a big day. It’s a great day.:

“Different folks in the community are involved,” he said. “It’s a big community and people have different ways of supporting us. It’s really a great day.”

Brian Quigley, the PBA local’s vice-president, said the money raised by the group throughout the year is re0invested into the community.

“We donate money to the middle school, high school, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, Little Leagues,” he said. “Anyone in town who may have come under duress, maybe displaced due to a fire, we have money to help them.”

“Any of our citizens in town who might need financial assistance, that’s what we’re here for,” he said.

Here are a few scenes from the day’s events:


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