
Fire Commissioner Stipend Increases Approved By Township Council

Increases in nearly all of the township Fire Commissioner annual stipends were approved by the Township Council at its December 10 meeting.

The only Commissioners who did not seek an increase were those in Fire District 4, who will continue to receive $300 for each commissioner and $400 for each officer.

The Fire District 1 Commissioners and Chairman received a $500 increase, from $8,500 and $9,000, respectively, to $9,000 and $9,500.

Fire District 2 Commissioners received a $250 increase, from $8,000 to $8,250.

Fire District 3 Commissioners received a $340 increase, from $8,160 to $8,500.

There was no public comment on the resolution, but at the Council’s November 26 meeting, Anthony Farletti spoke against the Fire District 3 increases.

Fire District 3 Commissioners were in a protracted contract battle with members of the East Franklin Volunteer Fire Department which was resolved last month.

Farletti told the Council that he did not think the Commissioners deserved the increases for which they asked.

“From June through October, I attended monthly Tuesday meetings at the district office where a lack of professionalism, and disrespect was often shown by the commissioners in their attendance and lack of effective communication to the other members of the board and those attending the gallery,” he said.


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