
Energy Aggregation Is Topic Of Environmental Commission Presentation At Township Library

Energy Aggregation and why it is important is the subject of a presentation set for 6 p.m.. September 29 at the Franklin Township Library Community Room AB, 485 DeMott Lane.

Presented by the Franklin Township Environmental Commission in collaboration with the Franklin Township Library, Gabel Associates and Sustainable Jersey, the program is designed to teach attendees more about energy aggregation and what we need to know prior to the public question on our upcoming November 8 election.

The presenters will be Tracey Woods a research project specialist for Sustainable Jersey and Michaela Benton an associate at Gabel Associates.

To register, go to https://franklintwp.libnet.info/event/7048046. Walk-ins will be admitted only if space is available.

The presenters will be able to answer questions such as: 

  • What makes a renewable aggregation program green?
  • What do I have to do to be in the aggregation program?
  • What if I already have a 3rd party supplier?
  • What if I would rather stay with the current provider?
  • Who will my bill come from?
  • I’m on the balanced billing plan, how will the aggregation impact my billing?
  • Will being in the aggregation impact my ability to participate in programs offered by the utility, like smart thermostat specials and clean energy programs?

Questions related to the subject can be submitted to environmental.commission@franklinnj.gov

Climate change is upon us and it is everyone’s responsibility to act. The Franklin Environmental Commission has formed an Educational Subcommittee with a goal to create a series of educational events for Franklinites to help everyone understand the importance of everyday decisions and their impact on our environment, including climate.

The Commission’s presentations are designed for a general audience and the actions that may be suggested are aimed at improving our local and global environment.

For more information about Franklin Township Environmental Commission, please visit our website: https://www.franklintwpnj.org/committees-commissions/environmental-commission.

To learn more about energy aggregation, visit Sustainable Jersey.

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