For the second consecutive year, an army of Eli Lilly employees descended on MacAfee Road School Sept. 29 armed with hammers, saws, paint brushes and good intentions.
The approximately 90 employees of the Bridgewater-based company were taking part in its Global Day of Service. They were at the school to spruce it up through building furniture, making new signs and creating pieces of art to display indoors and out.
Lilly works in conjunction with Livingston-based Jersey Cares to deploy employees to 11 sites throughout the state, said Jersey Cares’ Evan Lewis.
“This is the largest site of the day,” he said. “They specifically requested to come here because they had such a good time last year.”
In addition to completing volunteer projects, the employees also held workshops on nutrition and fitness for the students.
Among the projects taken on by the volunteers was a repair of the school’s vegetable garden fence, the creation of benches for its outdoor classroom, canvas paintings and mosaic signs.
“This is amazing, this is what America should be, the joining of corporate America and the public school system,” said MacAfee principal Bill Grippo. “They’re giving their time and their resources and the kids are seeing volunteerism in action.”
“It’s perfect, and they make the school look beautiful,” he said.
Sharon Seiwert, a 3rd Grade teacher at the school, was once again tasked with overseeing the day.
“I just think it’s a great endeavor between corporate and public schools, and they do a great job,” she said. “I’m really glad they’re here.”
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