
DeMott Lane Flag Mystery Solved: It’s All About The Money

dpw worker installs flag1
A township DPW worker installs flags along DeMott Lane.

Every year before Memorial Day, much of DeMott Lane is decorated with American flags hanging from utility polls.

The flags are put up by the township, using public works employees.

The flags later disappear, only to be seen again for the township’s annual July 4th celebration.

Some residents, using social media and other means, recently questioned why the flags are removed in general, and why this year, they ere removed so close to July 4.

Deputy Mayor Brian Regan recently brought that question to township manager Bob Vornlocker.

Like most things, it all comes down to money, Vornlocker said.

Speaking at the July 7 meeting of the Hamilton Street Business District Advisory Committee, Vornlocker said the township has to swap flags because it doesn’t own enough of them.

“We don’t have enough money to buy flags for DeMott Lane and the municipal complex,” he said. “We only have enough flags to do one or the other.”

“They get put up on DeMott for Memorial Day, then they get put in the municipal complex for the July 4 celebration.”

Vornlocker said that this year, bad weather led to a delay in taking the flags down in between the two holidays.


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