
‘Day Of Action’ Call Leads To Increased Police Presence At Various Locations

There will be an increased presence of township police around schools, houses of worship and community centers starting today in light of the call for violence against Jews in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war, a police spokesman said.

Police departments around the country are beefing up security around those spots as a result of the so-called “Day of Action” for October 13 called by leaders of the terrorist group Hamas.

The heightened security measures “reinforce our commitment to maintaining public safety and our mission to promote a safe and secure environment, free from crime and the fear of crime, for all who live, work, or visit our community,” according to a press release from the Franklin Township Police Department.

“We continue to be responsive to the needs of all of our community, especially during these situations,”  Public Safety Director Quovella M. Maeweather said in the release.

FTPD Lt. Vincent Wilson said the increased presence of officers will continue past October 13.

Anyone with questions or concerns can call (732) 873-5533. To report an emergency, dial 9-1-1.

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