
Update: Danielsen To Temporarily Work Out Of Three Locations In Municipal Complex

Update: State Assemblyman Joe Danielsen (D-17) will temporarily work out of three locations in the township municipal complex on DeMott Lane.

Video taken by state Assemblyman Joe Danielsen during his walk-through of his former office, destroyed along with other businesses’ offices in a March 6 fire.

Video courtesy of Assemb. Joe Danielsen.

Township Manager Robert Vornlocker told the Township Council at its March 10 meeting that Danielsen would work out of the municipal building, the township library and the Community/Senior Center.

Vornlocker said he was able to find Danielsen some space in the council office area, next to the council chambers.

He said the assemblyman would also have a table set up in the library and the senior center.

He and his staff would be at the locations “soon,” Danielsen said.

Original Story: With the building that once housed his legislative office destroyed by a March 6 fire, state Assemblyman Joe Danielsen, (D-17) said that he and his staff are now “mobile” and will set up temporary office locations throughout the district.

Those locations could include “libraries, civic centers and churches; if needed we will come to you,” Danielsen said in an emailed statement.

“The fire in our building was a horrible event, especially for the doctors, patients and the businesses that can’t easily rebuild,” Danielsen wrote. “Our staff is thankful that no one was seriously injured. We also want to note our gratitude for the bravest fire fighters and medical responders in our state who performed a valiant job.”

“The community should know that its staff will be available and working first thing (March 9), albeit location yet unknown but available via phone and email,” he wrote. “We are not considering ourselves ‘homeless,’ rather, we are now mobile.”

“To achieve our goal with new dynamics of our predicament we will change how we do business which includes working on weekends and extending business hours into the evening,” Danielsen wrote. “Our mindset is that this is more of an adversity to the residents of the community than it is to us and our job is to minimize that adversity by delivering our services at the same level as prior to the fire.”

Danielsen said his staff ail meet with the state Office of Legislative Services on March 9 to start the process of getting a new legislative office.

Danielsen said he and his staff could be reached during the transition at email – AsmDanielsen@njleg.org – or by phone at (732) 247-3999

The commercial building that once housed his office at 888 Easton Ave. was apparently destroyed by a fire March 6, the remnants of which lasted into the early morning hours of March 7.

Danielsen went on a walk-through of the building later in the day on March 7.

“FYI, the building is totaled,” he said in an email.

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