
Amwell Road Water Main Break Should Be Repaired By Week’s End

A 20-foot-long section of a water supply main needs to be replaced on Amwell Road near Van Cleef Road after it ruptured on Aug. 6.

The replacement of a 20-foot-long stretch of water supply main on Amwell Road, near Van Cleef Road, should be done by the end of the week, township officials said.

The main burst on Aug. 6, sending what some witnesses said was a geyser of water into the air.

All township water customers south of Skillmans Lane may see variations in water pressure while the repairs are ongoing, according to the township web site.

Township Manager Robert Vornlocker said the repair is taking several days because of the size of the pipe and safety precautions.

“It is a big pipe, 42 inches, that will need a 20-foot-long section replaced so a lot of excavation,” Vornlocker said in an email. “Pipe that big isn’t kept on hand so it was delivered today (Aug. 7).”

“Once the installation is done (that should be done [Aug. 8]) the section will be charged and water samples will be taken and sent to the lab,” Vornlocker wrote. “Lab results will take 24-36 hours.”

“If all is good we can open the valves again,” he wrote. “Meanwhile we have the break isolated and the southern part of town is being fed by other mains and interconnects so there is adequate pressure until the main is reopened.”


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