Editor’s Note: From time to time, the Franklin Reporter & Advocate will present stories of community advocacy campaigns.
A plan that surfaced last spring to cut the hours of the East Millstone Post Office on Market Street was soon abandoned after village residents protested.
Somerset Postmaster Ionie Anglin devised the plan to reduce the number of the post office’s operational hours to transfer some workers to the Dumont post office to sort packages, said Township Councilman Phil Kramer (D-Ward 3).
The plan was announced to post office patrons through a sign that was placed in the post office window, Kramer said.
Kramer said he received a number of calls from East Millstone residents concerned about the reduction in hours, so he contacted the postmaster and arranged a town hall meting.
Enough residents attended the meeting and expressed their opposition to the plan that Anglin was convinced to drop it, said Kramer and George Flood, a U.S. Postal Service spokesman.
“I am pleased that in response to the meeting they not only did not reduce the hours of the counter but they increased the hours that the counter was open,” Kramer said in an email.