
Weather Brings Pet Parades At Spring Hills, Second Chance For Animals Together


Lola was one of the porches on parade at Spring Hills Somerset Assisted Living center.

Oct. 22 proved to be a crummy day for Second Chance for Animals’ annual Howl-O-Ween outdoor pet parade, but that didn’t deter the vent organizers from holding it elsewhere.

Right next door from the facility, on DeMott Lane, is Spring Hills Somerset Assisted Living and, as chance would have it, they were having their Paw Fest, also an annual Halloween costumed pet parade.

A call was made to Spring Hills, said Bob Pezzano, SCFA president, and arrangements were made to combine the two events indoors at Spring Hills.

“So we started by the Franklin Township animal shelter, and then we went to the assisted living space and paraded the dogs around,” Pezzano said. SCFA is the group that funds the animal shelter.

“It was just to raise awareness of the shelter, really,” he said. “It was just a fun occasion for people. The residents seemed to enjoy it.”

After the pets were shown in their costumes, three winners were chosen by acclimation.

Residents were offered cupcakes and other refreshments after the judging.

Adrianne Hill, Spring Hills’ executive director, said the event means a lot to the facility’s residents.

“This is something that gives them therapy as well as lightens their day here,” she said. “It’s always good to have some love. That does a lot for them.”

Pezzano and Hill said this event will lead to more cooperation between the organization and the assisted living center.

“Where we can maybe brighten their day a bit,” Pezzano said.

“We’re looking forward to doing it in the future, partnering with Second Chance,” Hill said.

2016 Howl-O-Ween Pet Parade


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