
Township Artists Recognized By County, State In Art Shows

Dustin Shin’s watercolor, “Brood,” took second place recently in the New Jersey Senior Art Show. (Photo: Somerset County Freeholders.)

A township resident took second place recently in the New Jersey Senior Art Show, held at Meadow Lakes Senior Living in East Windsor.

Dusik K. Shin’s watercolor, “Brood,” was one of five pieces by Somerset County residents winning awards at the juried show.

Shin’s work also was one of four non-professional award winners at the Somerset County Senior Art Show.

Also winning an award at the county art show was township resident Richard Demler, whose photograph entitled, “Bald Eagle on a Mission” was one of the professional category winners.

A total of 13 Franklin artists’ works were showcased in the Somerset County Senior Art Show in the Cultural & Heritage Gallery, located in the county Administration Building in Somerville. In all, nearly 40 Somerset County artists were represented.

Township artists in the county show were: Ed Caravan, Concepcion Caravana, Richard Demler, Barbara Karpinski, Tae H. Kwalk, H. Denis McGrath, Kenneth Morrison, Thomas Perri, Lori Semak, Dusik K. Shin, Jan Ten Broeke, Jaclyn Weighart and Jane Wilkie.

“We are fortunate to have so many talented artists in Somerset County,” Freeholder Brian D. Levine, human services and Cultural & Heritage Commission liaison, said in a press release about the awards. “The Freeholder Board had the pleasure of recognizing older adults whose artwork was selected for our annual juried Senior Art Show. And we are extremely proud of the artists who represented Somerset County in the New Jersey Senior Art Show.”

The Somerset County Senior Art Show was cosponsored by the Somerset County Office on Aging and Disability Services and the Somerset County Cultural and Heritage Commission.


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