
Park Commission Accepting Reservations for Picnics in County Parks

The Somerset County Park Commission has announced that reservations are now being accepted for picnics in county parks, including Colonial Park.

Events may be scheduled now for Wednesday, July 1, 2020 and beyond.

Social distancing guidelines should be followed, and face coverings are strongly recommended. Portable bathroom facilities will be available.

Each of the two pavilion picnic areas available at Colonial Park is equipped with tables and grills.

Somerset County residents, non-residents, corporations, and organizations may make a reservation now for permitted dates. A request should be submitted by visiting www.somersetcountyparks.org, clicking on the green tab that reads on-line registration. The second page is Picnic Reservations. Scroll down on the maps to the desired park. The red dots are the groves (click on), from there is a live calendar showing available dates, at which point the request can be submitted for review.

For information contact Karen Behr I Permit Coordinator, 908.722.1200 ext. 5225.

Information on all Somerset County Park Commission programs and activities may be found at www.somersetcountyparks.org or by calling 908-722-1200.

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