
New Signs on Tap for Historic Districts

Historic Signs1New identifying signs for the township’s three historic districts were approved by the Open Space Advisory Committee.

The committee took the action at its Oct. 15th meeting. The plan still must be approved by the Historic Preservation Advisory Commission.

Each district would get up to three signs, at a cost of between $1,200 and $1,500 per village, said Tiffany Delaney, the township’s special projects coordinator.

The first signs would be for East Millstone, with signs for Griggstown and Kingston to follow, she said.

“I think this is a nice touch to our historic districts,” township manager Bob Vornlocker said at the meeting.

The money for the signs will come out of the Open Space Trust Fund, Vornlocker said.

The project does not need Township Council approval because the idea came from the Open Space Advisory Committee and the trust fund is paying for it, he said.


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