
In Your Opinion: Open Letter To Mayor Kramer Opposing Mask Mandate

By Rob Petersen.

Dear Mayor Kramer,

I am 100 percent disheartened by your leadership. You and your Township Council have continuously engaged in fear mongering, repeatedly made false and inaccurate statements, and you’re willfully disregarding the protections and rights enshrined in the Constitution of these United States of America.

Furthermore, as a trained medical professional, I am ASTOUNDED – absolutely ASTOUNDED – that you would support mandatory mask wearing as a means to protect against the spread of a respiratory virus. Have you no shame?

There is ample evidence that mask wearing is ineffective in preventing the spread of Covid-19. Why do you and the Franklin Township Council continue to pretend that masks do anything? You’re NOT following science (not in the least!) and you’re not following the U.S. Constitution. It therefore begs the broader question of what political agenda you’re supporting and following? 

Last week, Dr. Leanna Wen, who is board certified in emergency medicine, a professor of Emergency and Health Policy at George Washington University, the former president of Planned Parenthood, and the former Health Commissioner of Baltimore, MD., has repeatedly stated that “Cloth masks are not appropriate for this pandemic. It’s not appropriate for Omicron, it was not appropriate for Delta, Alpha, or any of the previous variants either because we’re dealing with something that’s airborne. We’re dealing with a virus that’s extremely contagious.” Even just a couple days ago she’s on record as stating, “A simple cloth mask won’t do when we are dealing with a highly contagious, airborne virus.”

Despite the incessant and relentless fear-mongering, the science regarding the INEFFECTIVENESS of cloth masks against respiratory viruses has been known long before the Covid-19 pandemic started. It appears that you and the Franklin Township Council refuse to open your eyes and realize the truth. It appears you are once again only interested in towing the Democrat party line.

The FACT that masks are 100 percent ineffective at preventing the spread of a respiratory virus is of little concern for people like you and the other members of the Franklin Township Council. You would rather trample the U.S. Constitution in your party’s zealous pursuit of Marxist policies designed to attain broader political and socio-economic power by sowing fear, misinformation, and playing Identity Politics. 

The mask mandate enacted last evening is just the latest example of the irresponsible government policies and practices espoused by you and the Franklin Township Council.

Your Thoughts


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