Leadership Somerset 2017 Seeking Applicants
Adults who live or work in Somerset County are invited to apply by Oct. 31 for the Leadership Somerset Class of 2017.
Benefits of the program include networking with community leaders, discovering Somerset County resources, exploring capacities of positive leadership, enhancing team and leadership skills and making an impact in the community.
Leadership Somerset meets once a month, on a week day, starting in January. Sessions are full days, starting between 8 and 8:30 a.m. and ending by 5 p.m.
To find out more, stop by one of the Leadership Somerset Open House events in the Freeholders Meeting Room, located on the third floor of the county Administration Building, 20 Grove St., Somerville. The first will be held from 8-9:30 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 5. The second open house will run from 4:30-6 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 13. RSVP at leadershipsomerset@co.somerset.nj.us.
Participants of Leadership Somerset will:
Discover Somerset County Resources
Each month, the program focuses on a different subject matter, including Government, Economy, Housing, Justice and Public Safety, Human Services, Arts and History, Community Health, Environment, Diversity and Lifelong Learning. In addition to our guest speakers, class trips offer new perspectives and access to a variety of resources.
Network with Community Leaders
You may be surprised by what you learn from other community leaders and subject-matter experts. Leadership Somerset Fellows are an exclusive network of over 350 thoughtful, dedicated leaders who make a positive impact in the community.
Build Capacities of Positive Leadership
Each of us has a unique combination of strengths, talents and values. How do you define leadership? We will discuss different capacities of positive leadership. In addition, Leadership Somerset will explore strengths and stressors with a True Colors assessment. Understanding our strengths and style preferences helps us to improve our ability to work with others.
Enhance Team and Leadership Skills
“Class members enhance their leadership skills through problem-solving, participating in class projects and networking with community leaders,” said Freeholder Deputy Director Peter S. Palmer, liaison of the Leadership Somerset program.
Make a Positive Impact
What is your passion? Every year, Leadership Somerset participants complete a class project for the benefit of the community. From the implementation of youth programs, blood drives and financial literacy programs to working with local nonprofit organizations, Leadership Somerset Fellows have made a difference.
The majority of the cost to attend the year-long adult leadership program is underwritten by the Somerset County Board of Chosen Freeholders. Leadership Somerset participants are asked to contribute a program fee of $350 for the year, which covers participation in all sessions, materials and meals. Limited scholarships based on financial need are available. Applicants will be notified by December.
Established in 2000, Leadership Somerset is sponsored by Somerset County Board of Chosen Freeholders. Partner organizations include the Somerset County Business Partnership, Raritan Valley Community College and the United Way of Northern New Jersey.
Discover Leadership Somerset on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/pages/Leadership-Somerset/173034038467?ref=hl> , Twitter <https://twitter.com/LeadershipSom> or LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=1683027&trk=anet_ug_hm> .
For more information, visit the Leadership Somerset website at www.leadershipsomerset.org <http://www.leadershipsomerset.org> or contact us at (908) 231-7040 or LeadershipSomerset@co.somerset.nj.us <mailto:LeadershipSomerset@co.somerset.nj.us> .