
FR&A Pictorial: Work Begins On Kingston Presbyterian’s Steeple

Renovation of the Kingston Presbyterian Church’s steeple began Oct. 28 with the removal of the steeple’s 6-foot tall finial.

The aluminum and wood structure, built in the mid-1800s, was removed from the steeple by about 10 a.m. The finial will be refurbished and placed atop the new, modernized steeple later in the year.

Once the finial was removed the four-man crew began the arduous task of taking the wooden steeple apart, piece-by-piece. The wood used to build the steeple in the mid-1800s was taken from a barn that was razed at the Route 27 site.

The renovation, projected to cost more than a quarter-million dollars, will also include refurbishment of the church’s bell and bell tower.

When it’s all done, according to a press release form the church:

  • The bell vault and spire will be replicated off-site with state-of-the- art structural steel and white aluminum cladding.
  • The tower will be restored with a polymer coating.
  • The bell will be re-installed in the bell vault with an electronic wireless ringer.
  • The lightning protection will be updated.
  • The internal structure will be strengthened to comply with current codes

The steeple hasn’t had a major renovation since 1982 and was becoming too expensive to maintain, church officials told the township’s Historic Preservation Advisory Commission in March.

The removal work is expected to last through at least Oct. 30, when the bell is expected to be removed from its tower.

Kingston Presbyterian Steeple Removal



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