A raft of bills co-sponsored by state Assemblyman Joe Danielsen (D-17) moved through the state Legislature during June.
Among the bills Danielsen supported and which received either committee or Assembly approval are:
- A bill (ACR-13) urging Congress to enact reforms addressing sexual harassment and assault in the United States Armed Forces was advanced by the Assembly Military and Veterans’ Affairs Committee.
- A bill (A-306) to assist with the cost of housing modification for veterans gained approval from the General Assembly.
- A bill (A-1670) designed to create an office of student loan ombudsman was approved by the full Assembly.
- A bill (A-1661) that would expand eligibility for medical parole for inmates who are physically incapacitated and do not pose a public safety threat received approval from the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.
- A bill (A-1540) designed to support transitional housing for homeless veterans gained unanimous approval from the General Assembly.
- A bill (A-493) that would prohibit the use of smokeless tobacco in New Jersey’s public schools was advanced by the Assembly Appropriations Committee.
- A bill (A-3150) that would authorize a property tax exemption for totally disabled veterans, regardless of whether they served in a theater of war, was unanimously approved by the full Assembly.
- A bill (A-4401) that would authorize the Chief Administrator of the Motor Vehicle Commission to approve and issue a driver’s license and an identification card with a Gold Star Family designation for certain family members of servicemen and servicewomen who lost their lives while on active duty was approved by the state Senate.
- A bill (A-3438) that would establish a deadline for the issuance of determination notices to applicants for unemployment benefits was approved by the Senate.
- A bill (A-230) that would hold first responders harmless for damages that may occur from forcible entries during an emergency was approved by the Assembly.
- A bill that would prohibit public utilities from terminating service for nonpayment unless customer is provided certified letter at least 10 business days prior to scheduled termination date was released by the Assembly Telecommunication Committee.
- A bill (A-4498) that would expand health insurance coverage for behavioral health care services and enhance enforcement and oversight of mental health parity was approved by the General Assembly.
- A bill (A-2758) that would make health care more affordable for active duty service members was released by the Assembly Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee.
- Bills (A-4401 and A-4399) that would provide mental health services and other resources to Gold Star families were advanced by the Senate budget panel.