The township resident responsible for replacing the painted U.S. map on the St Matthias School parking lot was formally inducted as an Eagle Scout on Nov. 18.
Brendan McCann, a member of Troop 113, sponsored by Somerset Presbyterian Church, was given his Eagle Scout Court of Honor at the church.
McCann, a junior at St. Joseph’s High School in Metuchen, said he’d known that there was once a painted map on the parking lot, but that it had been eroded away.
“I figured it was a good idea, so I brought it back,” he said, in talking about how he decided on his Eagle project.
The map will give the students “an interactive way to learn about the states and geography,” he said.
McCann was quick to point out that he did not re-create the map by himself.
“I had help from some friends and a lot of my fellow scouts,” he said.
McCann has one year left of Boy Scout eligibility before he ages out. He said Scouting has taught him more than just knots.
“It teaches people not only how to tie knots and survival skills and things like that, it teaches good leadership and being a good citizen for the rest of your life,” he said.
Mayor Phil Kramer was on hand to offer some words of encouragement to the new Eagle Scout.
“I have great admiration for people who are scouts because they are people who are able to put it all together, people who are able to understand what it means for the future, who are able to organize, who are able to really step above others” he said. “You are a special person to reach this level.”
Scouts, he said, “have great abilities, and they’re responsible for giving back to society. And they already know that. They come from a society, not just of scouts, but of all of us.”
“This is a community that’s come out to congratulate you, and you know that you have reached here not by yourself, but with them,” Kramer said. “Of course this is a day for your parents, who have reached this goal with you, and you wouldn’t have reached this goal without them, and I know you know that.”
“Our community relies on each other, that is the definition of community,” Kramer said. “And this is one person who we know we can rely on in the future.”
McCann’s mother, Amy, told the gathering of friends, family and fellow scouts that Brendon made parenting easy.
“I think he is a remarkable young man,” she said. “Congratulations Brendon on this impressive achievement, I know you’ll go on to do great things in this world.”
Brendon’s father, Hugh, one of the Troop 113 Scoutmasters, told his son that he’s “seen what it’s like to be on top. You’re an Eagle Scout. You have caught a glimpse of what life can be.”
Referencing their many backpacking trips in mountain ranges, the elder McCann said, “There are many more mountains, pursue them. Character is built during the climb, so in your remaining time with the troop, I hope you can help the other guys on the trail, so they can also climb their mountains.”
“Stay amazing,” he said. “I’m so happy that now I can forever say, yeah, both my sons are Eagle Scouts.”
Brendon’s older brother, Daniel, is also an Eagle Scout.
In his remarks, Brendon McCann thanked his parents and his scout leaders for helping him along the way, and presented troop leader Pat Dillon with a scout mentor pin.