
Township Man Named To PRSA NJ Board

Kenneth Hitchner, content strategy director of CMA, has been appointed to the 2019 PRSA NJ Board. Photo: CMA.

PRINCETON JUNCTION – Township resident Kenneth Hitchner has been named to the 2019 Public Relations Society of America NJ Board.

Hitchner is Director of Content Strategy for CMA, a full-service communications, marketing and association management firm.

Hitchner will serve a one-year term on the Communications Committee. In that role, he will lead PRSA NJ’s public relations and promotion initiatives. For the last four years, he has served as a volunteer judge for PRSA-NJ.

Hitchner directs CMA’s public relations and content marketing activities, which encompass protecting and promoting brands for mission-driven businesses and associations including Amerlux, International Card Manufacturers Association (ICMA), First Bank and the New Jersey State Nurses Association. Under Hitchner’s leadership, the public relations team has won 15 national/regional/state awards, in the last 18 months.

Prior to CMA, Hitchner was the Chief Content Officer for the Professional Service Group of Central NJ. He built strategic relationships that turned a defunct state program into a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that puts downsized professionals back into the workforce every 58 hours. In addition to media placements, a social media campaign created an opportunity for the nonprofit to meet President Barack Obama’s Secretary of Labor in Washington, D.C. The discussion resulted in President Obama asking 300 CEOs to sign a pledge to relax hiring practices in regard to the long-term unemployed. Rutgers University Alumni Association honored Hitchner’s efforts with a leadership award.

Hitchner has earned a BA in Journalism from Temple University and an M.B.A. in Marketing from Rutgers University. He also received a Social Media certificate from Rutgers University, in addition to certificates in Google Analytics and content marketing.

“Ken continuously strives for professional excellence at CMA and in the public relations industry,” Jeffrey Barnhart, president and CEO of CMA, said in a press release about the appointment. “Always focused on results, Hitchner’s team put one of its clients in the news, on average, every four hours and in front of 573,000 targeted individuals every day in 2018.”

PRSA NJ is the local affiliate of PRSA, the world’s largest and foremost organization for public relations professionals. Its nearly 300 members live and work in all corners of the state, representing business and industry, counseling firms, government, associations, hospitals, schools, professional services firms, and nonprofit organizations.

Submitted by CMA.

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