
Township Council Sets Minimum Bid For Farmland Leases

The township is getting ready to auction off the farming rights for a number of plots.

The Township Council at the Jan 24 meeting set at $8 per acre the minimum auction price for 414 total acres, 261 of which are tillable.

The price is the same as it was in 2013, the last time the council set the minimum auction bid, said Township Clerk Ann Marie McCarthy.

The farmland properties that will be up for auction, by lot, are:

  • 681 Canal Road: 83 total acres, with 56 tillable acres, and 69 Jacques Lane: 35 total acres and 30 tillable acres;
  • Suydam Road: 43 total acres and 39 tillable acres, and Canal Road: 23 total acres and 23 tillable acres;
  • 1030 Canal Road: 15 total acres, 5 tillable acres; 960 Canal Road: 28 total acres, 11 tillable acres; Butler Road: 35 total acres, 14 tillable acres, and 200 Butler Road: 36 total acres, 35 tillable acres;
  • Dunn, S. Middlebush Rd.: 78 total acres, 35 tillable acres;
  • Gunther, 399 S. Middlebush Rd.: 38 total acres, 13 tillable acres.

The initial leases will be for three years, and the winning bidder will have the opportunity to renew them annually for two additional years.


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