About 150 students at Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School showed off their best work Jun3 in the school’s first Innovation Day.
Students at the school, located on Pierce Street, were free to choose what projects they wanted to work on. Their choices ran the gamut from a hybrid of music and botany to computer programming to science.
Students lined hallways in the school with their projects, explaining the work to visitors.
The day was “an opportunity for our students to present any projects that they felt themselves to be very successful in throughout the year,” said Jenna Sandman, a music teacher. Sandman coordinated the day with Angela Crisafulli, a 7th Grade language arts teacher.
The topics included “all subject areas from smart tech to reading, and also allows the students to apply extra credit points toward the grade of the content they’re presenting,” Crisafulli said.
“One student did a science project where she was discovering how to eliminate salmonella from water,” Sandman said. “She did this whole write up about it.”
Other students, Crisafulli said, “did presentations on proofreading and how essential it was to proofread. It’s essential for parents to see that that’s a major component in the reading and writing program.”
“We also had kids in the younger sections who constructed and then wrote some puppet shows and made some games,” Sandman said.
The teachers said they hoped that the Innovation Day would be an annual event.
“The parents seemed to enjoy it and the students seemed to enjoy it, it was a good experience for them,” Sandman said.
Here are some scenes from the day: