
The LEO Multiple District 16 State Cabinet Hosts State-Wide LEO Leadership Conference

On January 27th, 2024, the LEO Multiple District 16 State Cabinet hosted a successful series of professional development workshops with 55+ students representing over 50 clubs in the state at Sayreville War Memorial High School.

The LEO Leadership Conference (LLC) was an eight-hour event where cabinet members facilitated
workshop trainings and discussion sessions around leadership development, volunteerism, public
speaking, and service hour reporting in accordance with the LEO Advancement Session seminars
developed by Lions Clubs International. These sessions included “Member Motivation”, “L in LEO
Stands for Leadership”, and “Meaningful Service & Volunteer Hours” where the Cabinet hoped to
inspire intersectional community outreach and service projects that worked to support marginalized

Alongside LEO facilitators, participants also had the opportunity to listen to Lion Fern Rashkover
from Lions Clubs International conduct the “Art of Public Speaking” seminar. Also in attendance were
Council Chair Lion Ruth Molenaar, State Advisor Lion Jack Romano, Past Lions International
Directors Lion Bob Moore and Lion Melvyn ‘Mel’ Bray, Lion Dawn Kosobucki, and LEO MD 16 Chair
Lion Subarna Sahini.

Nehal Bajaj, LEO Multiple District 16 State Cabinet President and Immediate Past President of the
Cyber Somerset Community Leo Club, said: “My goal with LLC was to provide a safe space for LEOs of all backgrounds and experiences to share their highs and leos of volunteerism and work towards developing their leadership abilities. I am proud of the progress we made and legacy of Lionism that we cemented in the youth of NJ.”

She also emphasized the commitment and dedication of her fellow Cabinet members, LEO Autumn
Chiu, LEO Anika Bawa, LEO Canon Chiu, LEO J.D. Magaw, LEO Julia Yi, and LEO Mikayla Barrier,
to ensure the success of LLC.

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