
Spooky Brook Golf Course Gets Environmental Award

Somerset County Parks
Spooky Brook Golf Course was named a “Groundwater Guardian Green Site” for 2014. Photo: Somerset County Park Commission

Spooky Brook Golf Course in Colonial Park was one of two Somerset County courses named a “2014 Groundwater Guardian Green Site” by the Groundwater Foundation.

The award honors the facility’s groundwater and environmental stewardship, according to a press release on the award.

Quail Brook Golf Course, off New Brunswick Road, has previously been given the award.

Also honored this year was Green Knoll Golf Course in Bridgewater.

In 2013, the Spooky Brook and Green Knoll were designated “River Friendly” by the New Jersey Water Supply Authority.

“This is another well-earned recognition for the Somerset County Park Commission and staff, led by John Zujkowski at Green Knoll and Billy Martin at Spooky Brook,” Darrell Marcinek, director of golf maintenance, said in the release. “We are continually proving that we can maintain the highest quality golfing experience while still protecting the environment around us.”

The Groundwater Guardian Green Site program recognizes green spaces including golf courses, ball fields, education campuses, natural areas, and residential and business sites for implementing groundwater and surface water-friendly practices, according to the release. Qualification includes selection of appropriate plantings, tracking irrigation water use, maintaining a no-application zone around surface water and active wells, and applying fertilizer based on nutrient needs.

For more information, go to www.somersetcountyparks.org <http://www.somersetcountyparks.org>.

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