
Sept. 20 Is Next ‘Buy One, Bring One’ Food Donation Day

The next targeted “Buy One, Bring One” Friday food donation event is Sept. 20.

There is a blue, “BOBO” donation bin in the townshoip municipal building on DeMott Lane.

The program collects food for Somerset COunty families in need. It is the brainchild of County Freeholder Patricia Walsh.

“The slow economic recovery has put a severe dent in local food-bank supplies and raised demand significantly,” Walsh said in a release about the event. “Employees and visitors to various county, municipal and library locations can help by dropping off non-perishables in any of the blue BOBO Fridays bins.”

A number of libraries around the county, as well as a handful of other municipal buildings, also have donation bins.

Canned or boxed food items are accepted.

Although certain Fridays are targeted collection dates, food may be donated at any time.

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