The Board of Education is set to vote Aug. 24 on a set of merit goals for schools Superintendent John Ravally that could be worth nearly $30,000.
State law permits boards of education to approve merit bonuses for school superintendents, based on percentages of the superintendents’ salary.
Ravally is in the first year of a five-year contract in which his base salary is $191,000, and increases to $196,584 when allowed stipends are included.
The board will vote on two quantitative goals – both of which are each worth $4,914.60, or 2.5 percent of his salary – and three tiered qualitative goals, each of which are worth up to $6,546.25. The goals need to be met by June 30, 2018.
The qualitative goals are:
Social Media: Ravally will develop a policy on social media use, will create regulations on social media use, train principals on how to leverage social media and have them “Tweet” an average of 2 to 4 messages a month about school happenings between October 2017 and May 2018 and will work with the technology team to create social media teams in each school by January 2018 and will have those teams “Tweet” weekly messages between February and May, 2018.
One Less Move: Ravally will develop a staffing plan for the Claremont Road School, with 80 percent of the position filled by June 2018; develop bell schedules for each school, and develop elementary and middle school master schedules “that ensure innovative, equitable programming across the district.”
The quantitative goals are:
By June 30, 2018, between 45 percent and 55 percent of students in grades K-2 will show one year of growth in the district’s “iReady” core English language arts and math programs. Also by June 30, between 5 percent and 10 percent of Kindergartners will show reductions in disciplinary incidents.
The merit bonuses for the quantitative goals range from 1.33 percent of the superintendent’s salary to the full 3.33 percent of his salary.
Ravally is expected to work with other district and school administrator to achieve the goals.
In July, the school board approved a $23,057.23 merit bonus for the last school year.