The Board of Education at its September 22 meeting approved $622,238.11 worth of contracts for goods and services for the new school year.
The contracts are:
- A renewal contract with Frontline Technologies Group LLC for EEM with Evaluation Frameworks with Danielson and Framework for Teaching Annual Subscription for the 2022-2023 school year in the amount of $61,535.66.
- The purchase of security software from Dell Technologies, Quote # 3000129681725.1, for Rutgers Preparatory School in the amount of $4,769.10 using non-public funding through the Educational Services Commission of New Jersey.
- A professional service agreement between Mountainland Educational Consultants, LLS and Franklin Township Board of Education to provide Educational Evaluations and Child Study Team services for Franklin Township students during the 2022-2023 school year. Rate: $450.00 per evaluation. Hourly Rate: $90.00. Not to exceed the amount of $45,000.00
- The purchase of a Ford Cargo Utility Van from Flemington Ford/DFFLM in the amount of $59,047. This is a price increase due to material costs and supply chain challenges from the original board approval on February 24, 2022.
- Appoint E-Rate Consultants Inc. as the FTBOE E-Rate compliance and process service representative via NJSBA cooperative pricing system R#E-8801-NJSBA-ACES-CPS.
- A proposal from SSP Architects to remedy the water infiltration at Elizabeth Avenue School for the amount of $23,400.
- A proposal from SSP Architect for partial roof replacement at Franklin Park School for the amount of $43,400.00.
- A transportation contract, MTK-QUOTE2200, with Montauk Transit LLC from September 1, 2022 – October 21, 2022 in the amount of $19,259.20 for route # CJCP.016/116.
- Quotes from All Risk Inc for the emergency work and restoration repairs at Buildings 1 and 3 for a total amount of $80,390.19 . Procured through a cooperative purchasing agreement with the Educational Services Commission of New Jersey.
- An agreement between Somerset County Educational Services Commission (SCESC) and Franklin Township Board of Education for Somerset County Secondary Academy Alternative Academic Program and Somerset County Elementary Academy Alternative Middle School (General Education) for the school year 2022-2023 at an annual rate of $51,434.00 per pupil, not to exceed $308,604.00 for 6 students.
- The purchase of technology supplies from CDW-G, Quote # MXGQ002, for Cedar Hill Prep School in the amount of $7,918.68 using non-public funding through the Educational Services Commision of New Jersey.
- The purchase of a collaborative response graphics license from Dell Technologies, Quote No. 3000131420957.1, for Rutgers Preparatory School in the amount of $7,014.28 using non-public funding through the Educational Services Commission of New Jersey.
- A contract between Puleio and Strimple Associates and the Franklin Township Board of Education for the purpose of supporting the Business Office transition period. The fee for such services will be a rate of $100 per hour per consultant, not to exceed $15,000.