
Recycling Days Changing For Part Of Township

Residents on 28 roads in the southern part of the township will have their recycling day changed on July 13.

The pick-ups will be made on Mondays rather than Fridays, according to a press release from Somerset County.

The affected roads are: Balboa Lane, Cabot Way, Canoe Lane, Cartier Drive, Champlain Way, Claremont Road, Cobblers Circle, Columbus Drive, Conservancy Court, Decaire Lane, Delar Parkway, De Leon Circle, Desoto Drive, Diaz Court, Garretson Drive, Hoagland Place, Hudson Court, Magellan Way, Marco Polo Court, Mine Brook Lane, Old Stage Road, Pleasant Plains Road, Raleigh Way, Route 27 (between Claremont and South Middlebush roads), Timberhill Drive, Verrazano Drive, Yardley Court and Yorkshire Road, according to the release.

The new dates for recycling for those residents are: July 13, July 27, Aug. 10, Aug. 24, Sept. 8 (due to the Labor Day holiday), Sept. 21, Oct. 5, Oct. 19, Nov. 2, Nov. 16, Nov. 30, Dec. 14 and Dec. 28.

The county’s recycling division has changed recycling pickup days for other parts of the township this year. In March, the pickup day for Canal Walk and Somerset Run residents was changed from Thursday to Friday, and in April, the recycling pickup day for residents living in Society Hill I and II and Beacon Hill was changed from Friday to Monday.

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