
Project Graduation Clothing Drive Held At FMS – Sampson G. Smith Campus

CLOTHING FOR A CAUSE – FHS students collect clothing donations February 8 at FMS-Sampson G. Smith campus.

Dozens of bags of gently worn clothing were dropped off February 8 at the Franklin Middle School’s Sampson G. Smith campus for the semi-annual clothing drive to benefit Project Graduation.

The drives are held in the Winter and Spring, and are among the fundraisers held to subsidize the annual graduation-day party at Franklin High School.

Once collected, the clothing donations are taken to a processing center and eventually distributed to people in need. Project Graduation earns a fee per pound of donated clothing.

Board of Education member Nick DiMeglio said that about 9,000 pounds of clothing was collected..

Project Graduation provides newly minted Franklin High School alumni with a safe environment to have one last good time with their classmates. The event runs from about 10 p.m. graduation night until 4:30 the next morning. During that time, attendees are offered non-stop food, games, crafts and entertainment.

The Franklin Reporter & Advocate spoke to the people behind the clothing drive:


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